Addiction - a simple word. Very, very, very intoxicating. Everybody has to be there sometime, someway.
My problems are a little more complicated. Like for instance I'm addicted to my relationship. I just have to see Mr Bear every single day, 24/7 if possible.
Sex. That's another addiction. You know the rush of adrenaline when you're involved in both watching it and doing it. Or seeing it through a mirror and catching glimpses of flesh on the good old TV screen. Too bad signs didn't have any sex scenes. Aih...
The Internet. How I was addicted to chats with people like Messiah and Woody. Even coaxed myself into believing I had fallen in love with them.
Now this... can't keep my fingers off the keyboard for the sake of this! Hah! I told you its a cycle. I can't ever get out of it.