I was just thinking about writing and what makes good writing? Is it the language, or is it the attitude the writer injects into his words. How to see the attitude? How to declare that a piece of work is superb finesse and all that? Getting a bit mind-boggling. I just read some blogs by other bloggers and , well, the m'sian bloggers really do write with
superb finesse, if you can trust my definition of the term. And then there's the other phenomenon you can't really ignore, cos this people sound even more caucasian than those American / British dudes. Which reminds me of what Dr. Q said -
be true, be natural, be honest to yourself. But are we being dishonest if we choose to Westernize our thoughts? Maybe its not merely Westernization per se ( yes, yes, I'm crapping again), after all we're sorta
by-products of a globalizing era/ world, whatever that means.
I had to say this anyway, which I forgot a while ago. I bought the Complete Works of William Shakespeare at downtown Petaling Street today. Compete works, meaning all his plays and 160 sonnets. Too cheap to be true. RM 14.70 plus 20% discounts. For a book that's like, 3 inches think and packed with total crap. I mean, the bard was certainly, the stuff of 'superb finesse'. Beats me why self-declared literature addicts worship him they way they do. OK, I'm being a hypocrite. But hey, I'm no addict - I'm totally embarassed by my total lack of resources and knowledge about a discipline I am pursuing back on campus. But hell, I only took up English to escape studying.