Sunday, September 15
You should read today's Star. Some reporter did an interview with this 62 year old guy who has three wives. I think Dr. Q must be amused with what he said. For instance to this question

How did you end up with three wives?
I did not do it on purpose but as a Muslim, I am allowed to have more than one wife. The Quran says that if I cannot be fair, then it is better to marry only one. But I have to admit that there can be no complete justice when you have more than one wife. You can call it fate or weakness … if it happens, it happens. See, Dr Q: I told you the Quran allows it, at least Malaysian's version of the Quran says its a good thing...

Again, you can almost see his bloody masochistic ego dripping out from his mouth when you see how he answers this:

Are you fair to your three wives?
Fairness is my interpretation. There is no absolute fairness, as you would expect. I decide on the fairness that I exercise. I fix the day and night where I should be and I stick to it without fail. For example, on my return from outstation, I will return to the house where I should be on that day.
To some extent the timetable helps to keep the peace and you have to stick to it, rain or shine. But even sticking to this kind of arrangement, funny, funny things happen. For example, you can have two breakfasts, two lunches and two dinners in a day. You have breakfast (in the house where you slept) and on the way to the office you stop in another house and you have to have breakfast again!
You always have to try to remember your schedule so that there will not be a clash. If you buy something for one wife, you have to buy the same for the other wives. If you forget to duplicate, you can have problems so sometimes it is better to give money and let them buy what they like rather than having to remember to buy things for them.

Is there jealousy among the wives?
Not jealousy but rivalry. But a little bit of rivalry is good because each will try to please you more than the other. How egoistic can he get? Its almost like their misery feeds his bursting soul...A little animosity between them is also good. Otherwise you will have no freedom if all of them are good friends. For example, if you come home late, they can phone each other to find out whether you were in the other house or gallivanting somewhere else. If they don’t have a close relationship, they cannot check on you every time.

Are there advantages in marrying more than one?
There is no advantage at all. Nothing. It is just sheer stupidity (laughs). I wouldn’t recommend it to anybody. But to me as a Muslim, it is wrong to sleep with another woman who is not your wife. And when you are involved in an affair, the guilt is there. In order to feel a bit of relief, you decide to marry so that you do not commit adultery. To me, a man who has more than one wife is not a hypocrite. There are others who have only one wife but many mistresses.

Are you planning to have another one?
Nobody ever plans to have another one. Nobody really sits down and says I want to have another wife. But if it happens there is nothing that can stop it. Even your quarrels with the wives. The more they object, the more you want to go through it.

Urgh... I think I'm going to puke... no wonder the world labels Muslims as uncivilized barbarians. Now I really pity their God.
Just read it . Polygamy sucks shit.


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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