Well... I finished the whole game... took me about 8 hours to find the Chamber of Secrets (everything in Moaning Myrtle's loo is exactly designed like in the movies including the opening to the chamber...) and still I can't find the 40 silver cards ... I've only just located 15... which is BAD... which is why I'm playing some of the challenges again...
If a short review is asked for, I would say this about the game. Its not that difficult for adults, because the spell charms are pretty easy to play with, compared to the first one where you had to trace the spells with the mouse, this one simply requires you to click the arrows on the keyboard (silly me realised this after flunking the Rictusempra spell class). The cool thing about the beans is right now you get to DO SOMETHING WITH THEM, unlike in the first game where bean collecting was almost pointless. I'm trying to catch hold of the Nimbus 2001 broomstick which is with Fred (or izzit George?) for 700 beans, and I already have 635 beans. I had over a 1000 before this, but I used 500 of those for a Quidditch Armor like those worn by the Chudley Cannons...
I know I know, this is fast turning into a little text full of Potter-ology. I think the treasure hunt thingy is A LITTLE OUT OF HAND for kids,
after all Harry Potter is first and foremost, a children's book ... although its functions are really cool, like getting an extra life with every 10 Bronze cards (I found 40 so I have 5 lives including the first one which was given) ...The graphics are a BIG IMPROVEMENT from the first game... which is good. Gameplay is slightly easier in parts, especially in the last bit... its easier to overcome the Basilisk than it was to overcome Lord Voldemort himself in the previous game ( Sorcerer's Stone)... but its more difficult in the hunts and challenges because of the timer and the stupid hidden secrets... I've only found 7 out of 10 and I have to find another 30 silver cards to open a strange door in the Hogwarts castle. Quidditch is now BORING in this game, unlike in the first one. And its a bit disappointing on the absence of a broomstick chase part ... The first game had you as Harry chasing Draco with broomsticks to retrieve the Remembrall and that was REALLY COOL... like a Star War's podracer scene.
What I like most about THIS GAME is of course the design of the Hogwarts castle, which obviously took the designers more effort than they did for Sorceror's Stone. There are moving staircases, just like in the movie, and you get to visit the Gryffindor and Slytherin Common Rooms, also Dumbledore's chambers and the infirmary, the dungeon where Snape resides, and all of the classrooms. All these weren't present in the previous game.
Well... you have to try it for yourselves. If you do find all the cards, just drop me a clue or two okay?