Sunday, December 15
My grandma's in town. I just got back fr dinner with her and my ma and my 1st, 2nd and 3rd cousins. The first two are older than me and the 3rd is 2 years younger. Dinner was of course, near Cheras, where they live. I don't know what the name of the restaurant was; as usual I never bother to find out. I went there once before, once when Pek Yong wanted to take us to Soon Tuck (where they're famous for steamed Fish Head) but the shop was close. With great difficulty, we found a parking lot, with equal difficulty we found a reasonable table amidst what must have been around 60 tables with approximately 6-7 people each. Suddenly I realise this is another blog about my good times, great taste adventures!!

Our wonderful table was right next to the cooking area as they are in Malaysian style 'tai pai dong'. For the non-Chinese, Tai Pai Dong is a simple three syllable pronunciation for chinese restaurant-style cooking street hawker (ok , ok so the English don't work well but I don't know how to further describe it). So happens that for the next 50 minutes we had the luxury of watching the different types of dishes churn out of the kitchen. We finished a whole pot of Chyrsanthemum tea and our food still had not arrived. Dish after dish of 'jiew pai tau fu' (Signature tofu dish) appeared right before our eyes but none belonged to us. Imagine the frustration! Imagine waiting for 50 whole minutes, and only being able to savour the good times, great taste moment!!

Fortunately the food was good. So good that we didn't realise that when the waiter (an old man) refilled our pot of flower-tea, it came back a different pot. Me and my 3rd cousin only recognized the different tea pot when we finished our last grain of rice. Yes the food was either heavenly good, or we were too hungry for words. I don't know what tea it was in the pot but it tasted horrible - worse than cheap bak-ku-teh Ti Kuan Yin. Some people had very, very bad taste. Just wonder who were the lucky ones who got to enjoy our Chrysanthemum tea.

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