Monday, January 13
What did I tell you? I got the thang! I got the thang I wanted... holy cow I'm 2000 bucks poorer but I have a brand new Pentax 330GS. So, for today, I'll give you a tour of my room.

Ladies and gentlemen,

My table. Unfortunately I have to spend a lot of time here. Studying is an excuse, not the reason, but I still have to do it. Most of the time I fall asleep and wake up and bang my head on the light. I like my overhead lamp. It looks like the Pixar baby.

My workstation. This is the place where I blog, design websites, scan silly pics (and now, upload pics from my digicam), play EA sports and Harry Potter bla bla bla... oh yeah, flirt online. You have one. My computer is my life. Sitted on the monitor, are: (from left to right) George the chimp, Bear from the past, and Cuggly Wugglie. I have very long names for my soft toys. This is because I don't give them names if they're very small.

My POST IT BOARD, or the BOARD OF THINGS TO COME. You see pics on it and things that I'm supposed to do. And the words 'I'm nicer on the weekend' don't mirror my character. I'm always very nice. Trust me. Everybody says so.

So ask me where's my bed. I was too lazy to clear the stuff on the bed for a pic so you guys will just have to wait until the next installment of 'The Tour'.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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