Thursday, January 2
Today being the 2nd day of 2003, I hope this isn't too late to say 'HAPPY NEW YEAR' to all nuts out there who are nuttier than me, and to those who consider themselves sane: "What's wrong with you??"

This year, I shall resolve to:

1. Be nicer to my parents.
2. Be nicer to my boyfriend.
3. Earn more money.
4. Spend less money.
5. Make more friends.
6. Get closer to the older friends.
7. Get those idiots from hi-school who do not want to remember hi-school to remember each other.
8. Earn better grades.
9. Graduate on time.
10. Get 1st class honours.
11. Get a good job when I graduate.
12. If I don't (11) , then get a place at a good university with good financial backing for my postgraduate studies.
13. Get that digital camera.
14. Do more charity.
15. Don't be so fierce to people I don't know.
16. Smile more.
17. Learn how to be more 'girly'
18. Get a new hair cut before 2003 ends.
19. Lose 3 kgs and 18 inches off waist, hips, arms, thighs.
20. Redesign my blog at least 3 times.

No promises they'll all work through but at least I swear to try....

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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