Wednesday, February 26
I've started writing my stories again. I used to think that I don't have the inspiration to write anymore. Now that I look back, its because I got happier in life and there wasn't time to waste my time brooding over my creative juices (or the lack of them). Rather, I had to go out and live life since it was so fun and happy.

But now that life's horridly cruel and annoying and stabbing to me, a bout of depression has begun to fill my soul (okay now that sounds a little Dickinson to me) and I guess since my creative juices seem to be winning over my sane self, might as well put stuff into words and let the juices flow.

If you're lucky I'll probably post up the stories here. But not until the purpose that I write them for is served.

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we hope she's getting better...

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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