Monday, March 31
My blog is my best friend. It provides me release, and strength from the pains. It gives me confessional courage, the spirit and motivation to move on despite the sharp knives that are driving through my heart and breaking up the very essence of my soul. It keeps me intact.

It reminds me, each day, that there are angels in this world, with name and without names, with faces and without faces, friends and strangers who've written in and signed my guestbook and comments and tagboard, telling me to be strong and be brave.

My blog is all that and more.

It is my very heart, the voice of my mind. It is my connection to the world, and it gives me hope and faith, despite the adversities and awful, awful happenings in the world, things can be okay, will be okay.

I don't know who Anonymous who signed my comments in reply to my Come Sweet Death post is. I wonder who you are, but I'd just like to thank you very much. Seeing your comments made me cry and I feel cherished and loved, as if there really is a guardian angel talking to me. Thank you. So much. I don't know how to express myself. Really. Thank you.

And the rest of my loyal visitors who've personally written and spoke to me about the whole situation *you know who you are*. What would I do without you?

What would I do without this place that has given me so much and yet asked nothing of me, except for me to go on pouring my feelings into?

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we hope she's getting better...

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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