Friday, March 7
A thought to ponder on: " In the word of tragedy, the hero can only take the road of experiment. He must follow his bent, take action, and live it through." The thought is: if my life right now is akin to tragedy, as some people deem my situation rather tragic, so shall I, as the protagonist in my own life story, I shall take this road of experiment. I am following my bent, I shall take action, and so I shall live it through. And life was never the Aristotelian Poetics tragedy theory - there is no denouement unless I die. And I don't die, I shall not die, I shall not go that easily. Life was made to be filled with challenges, so WHAT IS THIS? WHAT IS THIS? Nothing...

The next thing we have to know is this: "Things happen for a reason." and in this world there are signs.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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