Saturday, April 5
Hello!! Well, as you can see the past post was in Mandarin (but some of you may not be able to encode the fonts if your window's not configured for it)... Don't fret, btw, because it doesn't necessarily mean that I'm going to switch to Mandarin anytime now, just that, some words are better expressed in other languages (as fair as domains and topics would go in sociolinguistic studies), which is why, well, I guess you'd understand how excited I am that I'm finally able to post properly in Mandarin. The other reason for the inclusion of a little bilingualism into this blog is... uhuh... being an English major, my written Mandarin has been left aside to rust ever since I graduated from form 5, so I decided its high time I polished up on it before it extinguishes.

Oh yeah, I stumbled upon this amazingly hilarious blog... because its so bloody boring the creaters have termed it 'The Dullest Blog In The World'!! Check it out, will yah?

Just for kicks... photo of the day ... is a menu which has my nick name printed on it!!!!! LOL!!! Couldn't help choking at the site of it, I mean, how'd you feel have two whole chicken dishes named after you? Urgh...

Can you see it??

Speaking of which, I think I've recycled too many of my Visit To Hong Kong photos already. Maybe its time I went out hunting for more stuff yah?

Gee! I actually sound happy in this entry?!!! Cool!! :)


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we hope she's getting better...

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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