Monday, April 21
Here's a thought.

When you read someone's blog, what do you make of it? Is it the inner self of that soul searcher voicing out his / her very deepest feelings and emotions? Who blogs the thoughts? If that person were a bitch or bastard in real life, does she or he being able to pen down amazingly sensible and angelic phrases show you that (s)he's really capable of being nice? Just that we never really got to know him / her in the first place.

Or is it all faked... that blog is merely an escapism... to de-bitch the bitchiness otherwise ultra-personifed in reality. That person who blogs is really an annoying, hated person in reality, and the blog becomes the sub-reality, a mere lie in efforts to passify yourself "I'm really a nice person, but you have to know me online."

Don't worry. I'm not like that. Although I can be really bitchy to Ah Bengs and Buayas who just don't know when to draw the line *some of you know about this already*.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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