Wednesday, April 23
I just received a postcard from one of my best friends. We sat together in class way, way back in form 3 ... that's in 1995. She spoke of her visits to my blog.

Someone also told me that my honesty and openness in this site is admirable. I would say so too to the rising traffic since the shift in domain as well as the layout revamp.

I wrote about this before... how much I should put into this. I wrote about the fear that people would stumble in here and found out things. Actually, I think that its okay for strangers coming in and knowing stuff about me. I actually don't mind letting people know about my sudden display of open pouring in this blog. What is a blog, anyway, if more to satisfy the owner... its not like a popular rated tv-show bursting to reach the 'most popular blog of the year' kind of thing. This blog is mine and mine alone. I can do whatever I like with it.

Nonetheless, its not that I'm brave. Of course I'm fearful of the effects of friends and ex-friends who visit this place regularly to gain an insight into my life. If they care, like my best friend does, its okay. If they're just here to watch a real-life soap opera unveil right before their eyes I'd think they're be very disappointed. You can't really understand blabbering rantings unless you put your heart into it you know.

What's more important is that when you visit a blog that your friend owns, you're supposed to respect his / her privacy. So you know she's been confessional in her open journal, but this doesn't give you the right to go out at speak bad of her. Being confessional is not necessarily a bad thing. It helps me gather my senses, and with the events happening in toil, it helps me pull myself out of denial... which is good.

Plus it increases the value of my singlehood --- so I've been forcefully liberated, so I don't like this, but I know that being single is an asset. At the age of 22 - 23, you deserve nothing less than being attractive and liberal. Not tied down to the heavy machinery they all call relationships.

So this is me. Online. Take it, and then leave it. Don't bring me to your world and bitch about me. Or if you care, write me a mail, letter, give me a call or just leave your comments.

*Oh yeah, for those of you who know about the orchid, it bloomed. 9 pretty flowers. No, I didn't even bother to water the plant... hmmm*


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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