Sunday, April 20
I need to desperately blog something thought provoking. I have provocative thoughts running somewhere in the mind, except they're so jargonized that I can't make out what should I really say. Or this, I have too many things going on in my brain and its giving me a terrible headache.

Maybe its the lack of sleep.

Since working on that long overdue thesis, I've taken to sleeping at 3 am every single night. I tried pushing the time to 1.45 am last night (or this morning?!!) and still I churned and churned around until it was 3.30.

Now what happened?

Working on that thesis until 5 am every single day for 6 days in a row. This was like 3 weeks ago.

Which is why, you see the sudden change in addresses (twice I think, don't worry I'm stuck here for good), as well as in the layout (I think I had 2 layouts in a week)... you might go 'wahlau eh!' but I think this is it for a while.. have to quit torturing myself.

Oh yeah, the best thing bout moving into this domain, is the domain name. I've changed everything to minishorts@urban-flirt,i.e. modified my site info in diarist net, the gmbl as well as rice bowl journals. The traffic amount has been hopping up ever since! Must be the 'urban-flirt' thingy hehe...

Maybe green tea is a little too subdued? Haven't seen many green sites around though... and, hey, if you're using netscape / opera or anything other thing that's not IE, I'm so sorry! This site is so user unfriendly.. for IE 6 only =).... I'll probably change this layout in another month though.

Got a pic today. Self portrait.


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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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