For blog-surfers who seek inspiration and maybe, some kind of knowledge and entertainment by blog-surfing, stumbling upon a site with skillful words and sensible truths is indeed a pleasurable experience. The impact of that first 'stumble' will very often determine the value of that blog to the new reader, and from there onwards, the reader will probably decide whether the blog is worth bookmarking or not.
At one point of every blogger's web lifetime, (s)he will probably be tempted and brought in to write a whole load of junk which is otherwise, simply, and beautifully, termed 'crap'. An example of crap would be the post on the 'hiaks' crappy chat that yours sincerely had shared with another well-enlightened individual on the beauty of crap. Now some people abhor stumbling upon crap posts like the one mentioned. Some people say that bad crap, is simply a bad reflection of the site-owner's mentality, and an entire posting of, or several posts dedicated to shitloads of nonsense is an exemplification of the site-owner's low and discardable mentality.
Click. I'm leaving. This site is crap. Oh jeesh. And to think I had the evil luck of stumbling upon it. I'm going to erase it from my banks forever.
The question here is this, is crap moral? Or, is it a sin to crap?
I am tempted to bring forth my very (crappy) opinion of this (crappy but in some ways, makes sense) phenomenon. Well, I was tempted, and today I have decided I shall do this.
Somebody once told me that to crap is a sin to the brain, because the brain is a gift of God meant to be utilized on things worthwhile, and crapping, is just not worthwhile.
What, then, is worthwhile?
Worthwhile would be something that provokes the thought. Something that keeps you occupied and focused. That will help stimulate the senses in order to bring the mind to a higher level of understanding, hence moving forth towards proper nirvana (no, this has nothing to do Wesak, by the way). Doing, something worthwhile, would therefore be, like ... reading a reasonably intellectual text, or maybe, if we chose to 'relax' by reading entertainment, worthwhile would be the intention to strive and learn something from the source. Worthwhile would be making sure the brain works to compensate for the lack of exercise that we very often render it (didn't somebody say that humans only use 5% of the brain's full capacity?). Hence, if the brain is already being horribly underutilized by the masses, to further render it helpless by doing something as pointless and nonsensical as 'crapping' would be ... a sin.
Henceforth came the great thinkers, who showed us wonderful examples by providing wonderful thoughts. Great thinkers are great examples and leaders of humanity, because they are pioneers and forerunners in the movement to push the limits of the human mind. They have been here since long, long ago. They are the Great Minds: Plato, Aristotle, Sophocles, Sartre, Kant .... the list of great thinkers goes on; great, (in)famous individuals who have engraved their immortality in the books of mankind's insignificant history by providing amazing philosophies for the benefit of the generations after. These philosophies are immensely invaluable and important to understand (despite the incredibly difficult diction that most of them are written in) because these philosophies enable us ignorant creatures with the strength of good knowledge, on a journey to rid ourselves of ignorance (which is the greatest sin, and
this is my personal opinion, ignorance is a total sin and I totally abhor it...). And, since there are so many things to learn from this immensely huge source of philosophical knowledge, we therefore have no reason to indulge in something as nonsensical as crap. Why crap, when instead there are so many more much worthwhile things to do: not only read the philosophies, but debate and argue about the truths and untruths of such philosophies, for example.
So well, what's the crappy opinion of mine to this?
This opinion is totally honest, and *disclaimer* it is my very own honest opinion and you may cuss and label me a sinner for crapping, but it is wholly, and totally a personal opinion, posted on a blog that belongs totally to me, and hence, I have every right to put it down.
I really think that great philosophies are given to birth from total crap. Nonsense has to come before sense arrives, hence the 'non' before the 'sense', for it is only after 'nothing' then we shall start to think about something, and thereforth, springs the beautiful thoughts that will eventually form coherent sentences and eventually manifest themselves as 'sense'. I think crapping is good exercise for the brain, because most of the time we use it when we work very hard. I believe that a break from hard work is most welcome by talking crap. Instead of discarding crap as pointless, utter nonsense, I'd rather look at each statement of crap to be potentially important. Each statement of crap that will eventually lead to more crap is also important, because one never knows the kind of ingenious and sensible words that will suddenly appear in between the hundreds and hundreds of crappy lines.
Who can dispute that when one quotes forth a philosophical statement such as "there are no standards or foundations for truth; truth, as it were, is relative to individuals or cultures" (existentialist theory for you), that kind of thought doesn't come from crap? To a lesser man like the roadside beggar or the rickshaw puller, for example, say something like that and he might probably look at you 'one kind' and think you're totally mad, him not having had the luxuries of learning how to read and learn proper and difficult sounding theories. If 'Truth is really in the eye of the beholder', then 'Crap is even more in the eye of the beholder'. Or , I may even say, "One man's sense is another's crap" .
In a nutshell, I think crap deserves respect, and crapping is so totally not sinning. I firmly resolve to stand by the rights of my fellow blog-comrades in their efforts to release stress by 'crapping'. Crap is healthy for the mind, and for the society. It is out of great 'crap' that the best, and most ingenious phrases and thoughts are born.
*This is probably the crappiest and longest post in my blog since its birth. But I hereby thank the readers who decided to finish reading this as well as apologise for taking their time to convey my opinions on something that is totally crap.*