Alphabet Meme
snagged from
Alive and Bloggin
Age - 23 soon
Birthday - October 25
Children - not yet
Diet - permanent one!!!!
Exercise - aerobics
Favourite food - the bad bad stuff especially chips !
Garden - hmm mom does that. its not too bad although just a small patch.
Home - living with mom.
Illnesses - does an allergy and a sinus count?
Job - full time masters student at the University of Malaya
Keen on - languages, teaching, writing and reading
Location - Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Married - not yet
Name - Choo Ki
Optimist or pessimist - optimist, I hope. Oh yeah. Caleb calls me 'wildly optimistic'.
Pets - 2 terrapins
Quote - "Love isn't a constant. "
Relationship - none serious.
School - I go to one.
Talents - speed reading. Hehe. I think.
Unfulfilled ambition - wanna go around the world in 80 days
Vacation in 2003 - Hong Kong during Chinese New Year
Wish - fall in love with someone who loves me more than I do him.
X-rays - just recently, for my entrance full bod-checkup
Years online - 7 years!
Zodiac sign - thoroughly Scorpio
*And I finished the whole book. And not too pleased with it. Will read it again to see check out serious details. The *spoiler ahead* Matrix spoof was hilarious, though!*