Wednesday, June 25
I didn't think I'd have something to talk about but I do now. I need to get this out of my system. My digital camera is possessed!!!!! Was at the Putrajaya Marriott Hotel for 'Ladies' Day Out' today and as usual... I brought along my trusty old (okay, six month-old) Pentax. Wanted to take photos of the pretty food deco and the hotel especially (its really a lovely one you see...) but the darn thing just wouldn't charge up. Okay, so it did charge up but the moment the words 'PENTAX' flashed on the LCD screen, the camera just blacked out and the lens stayed afix in its place. Alright. So I thought it was a goner and I decided that there the cam goes to the warranty (hopefully I'll get a new model instead, don't you all think of that the moment something you have under warranty goes awry?)

Uh... so the day went, Viv, Carmen and moi just went on about boys, boys and more boys (that's what women do when they're in their early twenties and they think that nobody wants them) and inwardly me getting angry at Pentax for giving me such a worthless piece of junk which was usually trustworthy and very minishorts-friendly... and the day went in a breeze... soon it was time to go.

On the way back, there came a whirling sound from my bag. The Pentax recharged! I took it out, thinking that - okay maybe I didn't turn off the cam just now... and then I tried using it.

Its in working order again and I'm certain that my camera is possessed. Hmmmmm..... scary....

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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