Monday, June 16
I have decided that this shall be The Weekly Memes Week. I shall start off with Promoguy's Monday Mission 3.23.

1. Have you even just totally trashed something you were working on because it wasn't going the way you wanted? What happened? Did you start over again? Was it better?
Ooopsie, but who hasn't? What happened ? It didn't work out of course. Of course I started over again. I'm not sure if it was better though. Must have been. Otherwise I would have started all over again and again.

2. Have you ever contacted an old friend out of the blue over the internet? How did it go? Have any old friends or lovers ever contacted you? Did it flatter you or freak you out?
Nope. Yes, old friends have contacted me. It was pretty flattering, thank you. We all like to know that we're remembered by someone. Maybe I should go contact someone.

3. What is the most important thing that you have ever forgotten? Did it have any negative results? How did it all turn out?
Forgot... forgot... you know what? I don't remember what is the most important thing I have ever forgotten. Sorry.

4. Which of the "reality" television programs do you think you would have a chance at winning? Why? Would you ever actually consider signing up for one? Have you?
None. I'm too weak and too lazy to sign up for any. So there.

5. Do you allow commenting on your blog? Why? Have you ever considered removing/adding that function? What was one of the worst situations you've found yourself in due to blog comments?
Yes. Why not? Nope. Getting spammed or hit on by weirdoes. That's all. I usually delete the crappy stuff.

6. Have you found any cool shareware/freeware applications/scripts/tools recently? Yeah? Tell me more!
Recently? Lemme think. I've been on Kazaa forever. Its not too bad. OK if you're into converting music files from mp3s to ogg vorbis stuff, dbpoweramp works superbly.

7. Which is when you live your life right for the most part, but you have this one secret thing, this one bad thing that you do that is wrong for you to do, that you won't give up, even though you know you should (and sometime criticize others for doing). Now I am not asking to know what it is, but do you have a "pet sin?" When did it start? Are you trying to give it up, or are you just reconciled to the fact that you will always have it? Would anyone think less of you if they knew about it?
Uh-oh... that question is so bloody long, I don't feel like answering it. Do I have a 'pet sin'? What's a pet sin supposed to be like. Does biting my knuckles count? Or maybe chewing on my T shirt. OK I sleep with a face towel, does that count? It's okay to bite knuckles, chew on t-shirts and sleep with my face towels. Now that you know about it, would you think less of me?

BONUS: Am I loud enough?
I'm not sure. Am I?


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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