Saturday, June 21
I thought WTF and went on and did Last's week's Saturday 8:

Saturday-8: "What People like about me?"

We're jumping into the minds outside of ourselves. Questions are asking (a) who do you think appreciate various aspects of who you are the most,(b) what have they done to show this appreciation and why(c) would anyone appreciate these aspects.

Your sense of humour:
(a)Emm... emm.. CE I think.
(b) Well right now... CE seems to be the only one who laughs at my feeble attempts at jokes so there...
(c)You know I'm a little blur with this question I'm not sure which aspect it means. I suppose it means my 'sense of humour'. I don't joke very well, so if you do laugh at my attempts, its a big thing. And I do appreciate that, CE.

Your intelligence:
(a)I like to think its Dr. Wong, my supervisor.
(b)I think any student would love to hear her professor saying,"Its such a pleasure teaching a bright student." Yeah. Brightens up the rest of your academic career and gives you the support and motivation to actually do better.... if only to hear her say the same line again.
(c)Well, being called smart sure beats being labelled an idiot, unless its just for poking fun.

Your physical beauty:
(a)Eee.... why on earth does this stupid Meme ask such stupid questions??? Lets see: Okay. Carmen I think.
(b)Well, she keeps reminding me that I'm not bad.
(c)Every girl, I repeat, every girl likes to be told she's pretty. Heard that song by Christina Aguilera? Yeah. Nuff said.

Your past that has brought you to become the person you are now:
I don't know who appreciates the past. I don't really go out and ask people ' hey do you like my past?' hiaks.

Your special talents (if you have any):
I don't think I have any special talents.

Your wisdom gained over time:
Who on earth would appreciate my wisdom? Do I actually have that? Hiaks. I have no idea.

Your voice, words and other means of expression:
(a)That would definitely be the people who've been visiting this blog frequently
(b)They tag me! and they leave nice nice comments! thanx!
(c)Well its because of *you* that I keep trying to do better as well as form this relationship with my blog, so its a two way thingy I guess.

Your sexuality:
I have yet to meet that person.

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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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