Monday, June 30
'OMG' was really nothing ...

Let's see. Well, apart from the fact that several very curious 'pat kua' people have bugged me for the secrets of the OMG perplexities... I just have to clarify that the OMG-iness of it isn't really that grand. Wait. I have to post pics that Fer requested.

I actually bought another doggie to go with the 6610 so here is new doggie with the pretty baby. I like dangling plushies from my handphone, it gives the candybar thingy an oomph factor. Oh well, that's just me.

Okay the OMG thingy. Well, like I said, it has no OMG factor to it what so ever. Just that when I found out it was such a shock I just went OMG OMG OMG ... well I might still go OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG , cos the feeling's kinda still there....

Wait. Here's another thing, since every other PPS Beta Testing candidate is blogging about it, I guess I'm going to do my bit too. Except there's the OMG factor here. Well, 28 people have been selected to be on this team, I guess being selected is kinda 'kewl'? Anyway, you really should go read some of the stuff these people are writing. Here we are complaining about the *urgh* deteriorating standards of English in the country and in the world of the Cyberblogging maniacs, there people are proving those finger pointers wrong! Oh well, see, apart from the people who have become my daily addiction (see my blogroll by clicking on Morpheuse's torso please) there's just so many people in this country who're really cool people. Personally I do think that the upper academic elites should take a once in a while break from the printed leaves they often bury their noses into and try relaxing online by reading OUR WORK. And the graphics and web designs that come along with journal / blog / diarists who are attention whores and blog about it all. But do check out *some* of the 28 selected people (which include yours truly) here and go enjoy the variety and versatility of proudly made-in-malaysia blogging advocates.

Well, the OMG thingy. Its nothing really. So I'm not going to reveal it. Since its nothing.

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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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