Ken: hmm... just read ur latest entry, no comprendo
Me: u need to read way, way back....
Ken: ahhh ok...
Ken: hmm... and it feels diff, reading blog entries written in the 3rd person...
Me: eeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr ..... yeah .... well i'm not schizo i'm just taking on a new approach i think its fresh
Ken: ok.. better be careful though, some may interpret someone writing that way as being somewhat emm.. action haha
Me: hmmmmmmm how come?
Ken: it may come off like that i suppose...
Minishorts doesn't blog in Malaysian. Minishorts just blogs the trilingual thoughts that wooshes through her mind and those words fly across the screen as they rush through the brain fluff. Fluff is what her brain is made of. You know why? Because her boss has dished out 5 parters on English grammar and a whole handbook on 'Editing for Everyone' when not everyone is an editor. And then, for her studies she has to score through page after page of Comprehensive Input Theory by Stephen Krashen who sat in his armchair and gave a whole lot a debatable fluff on the wonderfully misinterpreted subject they all call 'linguistics'. Later she thinks she has to trot off to the library to get that Syntactic Structure by Chomsky (1957) to gain a clearer idea of the entire nonsense they call sense.
Like the other day, with her friend. "So what masters was that you were taking up again?"
"My programme is called Masters of Linguistics at UM."
"Oh..... means you can speak many languages lah. Thats means you're going to be a translator, no?"
Minishorts faints again.
Please, Geoff, can you help enlighten some poor souls on what it is all about. I think I gave Siah a headache the other time I did so, but he now gets the fact that linguistics, is, in fact, a pretty scientific subject, typically translated as 'The Science Of Language'. In my case, the language in question is English. At the same time, because I'm very interested in the socio-lingual aspect of language, i.e. society's influence, that interest spills over in my recent posts and journal (esp. the one to Dr. Ng).
But yes, I'm kinda insulted by this. No point in putting up a smile and pretending I'm okay with it. Maybe I need learn how to put on a devil-may-care attitude like that silly coursemate of mine who prompted such an impromptu mind to blog outburst. But anyway, mind-to-blog means no grammar checking, no spelling check, no *think very hard before you blog so that readers will understand what you're crapping about* ... mind-to-blog remains the true-blue essence of PERSONAL JOURNALLING, and that post is as close as you can get to the mind of the girl who calls herself Minishorts. So she blogs in omniscient narration, so someone thinks its 'aiksyen'. But most of the time this is done in 1st person-point-of-view. Whichever device she employs in the narration of the minishorts daily chronologies, WHO CARES?
So, now I have an attitude. Hurrah for Minishorts!