Friday, July 11

Cowboy Caleb hasn't been posting in a very long time. But Minishorts keeps in touch with him since for a period of time not too long ago, both the Cowboy and Minishort were somewhat lost in the ocean on the same boat. Today the Cowboy called Minishorts a bitch because of this opinion that Minishorts has on the difference between men and women. There isn't much of a difference. What happens when you fancy someone but you don't really fancy someone and you're undecided?

Minishorts reveals this: If you're not sure, coax the person to commit, then decide. In fact, if one party has made the proper decision, the air is cleared and the decisions can be made and then we can live happier after all. Then life becomes a beautiful thing because we can stop guessing. Minishorts knows. You know. Minishorts been there done that, when one person admits, then thinking gets through, and then things will move on the pace that both parties have agreed to. No indefinites. Indefinite makes things drag on and isn't that a worst-case scenario of living the emotional life in living hell?

Minishorts thinks that many women are like this, consciously or subconsciously. Now Cowboy has every reason to call Minishorts a bitch, don't you think so? But aren't both sexes guilty of the same sin?

"You know a lot of men are wallowed in self misery and depression because of women like you?" Cowboy screamed at Minishorts.

Uhuh. But both are guilty of the same sin. In fact we're all guilty of running background checks, dressing to attract, light flirting... same difference, not an oxymoron. That's the way of the world. God created Adam and Eve, who are basically the same. Go watch NGE then you know what Minishorts means by basically the same.

Minishorts has been in the boat before. You know. Commitment is just another word. You don't need a reason to fall in love and start a relationship. Heck you don't even have to fall in love to start a relationship. But then when you want to break up, the reason is always 'I didn't fall in love,' or worse, 'I met someone else and I love her.' Bullshit. And these lines are not exclusive to women. Heck men do it all the time and make a living hell out of women's lives. Living proof: men and women are the same.

So when you are undecided and you feel like you're sinking into invisible quicksand, what do you do? Minishorts doesn't like to play this game very much. So she presses, which is not exactly the right way to go. But Minishorts knows what its like to be hurt, very, very hurt, and Minishorts believes the earlier you clear things up, the better.

So what if most of Minishorts' male readers are Asians who probably don't like liberal women even though they blatantly announce that "I'd like honesty and self-initiative in a woman"? You see even though they say that, 4 out of 5 men Minishorts knows who had their women going after them can't resist gloating about it. Huh.

Some Asian cultures are very demeaning to the female.

12.50pm. Need to pack up for school and to do some brain-splitting routines. Urgh. Next time remind me to sleep earlier and don't procrastinate on my work. You better think about this since you now know the truth about Minishorts.


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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