Saturday, July 26

Apparently your brain and language faculties stop to work in a coherent and sensible way and you get 'inspired' by certain, well thought out sentences to write something that's emotionally, and obviously, hormonally driven.

Did you read this silly letter to the editor in 24th July's Star Papers?

I'm talking about this one: Wear your sexy clothes in the confines of your home, please written by some pea-brained male who *I'm aghasted* labels himself Asian Values...

A snippet of the silly phrases that he babbled within his highly understandable and well-constructed *rants* to the editor:

Would it be right to dangle a sweet in front of a three-year old and then to say, hands off? Would not that be cruel?

So you are being very cruel to the men, as you make them switch on and then say hands off, you are a tease.

Wake up, Lim, to our Asian values and show respect for others and stop violating the space of people like Choo and I.

Minishorts usually does not like to talk 'heavy' stuff like this, but calling our Asian Values 'precious' and that girls *like Minishorts* who goes out in perhaps, a tube and nice hot pair of minishorts is likened to walking sweets in public asking to be grabbed at by males with apparently, *three-year-old* mental cognitive abilities... I have this to say: *whothefuckingshitdoyouthinkyouare*. IMHO, not only is 'Asian Values' putting down women as teases *asking to be raped, mind you*, I reckon he's also insulting the majority of thinking men who do very fine in the department of 'hormone-control'.

And mind you, Asian Values, if I recall correctly, women, regardless of what they wear or not wear, do not ask to be raped. I'm not saying that we should all walk out in our bras and panties or not wear anything, but if, in the event, Minishorts is left in that kind of situation and has no choice but to go out in her birthday suit, and in the process, if she gets violated, it doesn't mean that the crime is automatically justified and we can just say, "She wears like that, she's just asking for it." Like, wtf is that crap? Nobody asks to be raped.

Not withstanding the fact rape victims consist of women from all levels, all walks of life: students in uniforms, pretty malay ladies who go out modestly dressed in their headscarfs, decent married women like Canny Ong who was just walking through the car park of a reputable shopping centre ....

I don't think Western Values are degoratory to Asian Values, or that Asian Values are significantly clean wonderful *and then, you might wanna go think about the fact that patriachal, women-degoratory values are very Asian in nature* ... in the first place, I didn't know there's a thing such as 'Western is bad, Asian is good...' I've always thought of it as, good, good, bad, bad, who cares where you come from.

So don't label yourself Asian Values when you don't have any values at all, you stupid pea-brained idiotic moron. You obviously need help.

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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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