Thursday, September 18
  Ten Days Do Not Equal a Hiatus
But I got sick of the books and looking at serious stuff I decided to break my fast.

That's not showing off. That's to tell myself that work matters seriously and having 2 jobs and doing a masters degree at the same time is suicide. Partner that with owning a blog and I've got my death warrant signed and approved... but I'm not dead yet.

I'm just here to tell you that I've still been around every single day because I have to be around every single day. My monitor burnt out last night and I had to rush to Mid Valley to get myself an *what Caleb calls me a nitwit for*LG 17" Flatron. I really, really wanted a flat panel but I'm like so broke and my pay isn't coming in till next week. So anyway I'm looking at a brand new 460 ringgit LG and I dumped my scanner (anyone wants a made-in-taiwan scanner for RM 100?) and planning to get that 650 ringgit HP laserjet printer very soon and also looking at the slowly but surely diminishing bits of my bank account balance. And yes I shall take Caleb's word for it. I mean yes I shall get myself a CC very soon but just one will do. I think I'm the kind who will probably end up in debts.

Which in no way brings me to this *horrible* realization how everyone seems to know everyone else in the Malaysian blogosphere. I've always been aware of this but it is only now and recently that I realize the monstrosity of this. On one hand where we have the Kota Raya blog and the people in PPS trying to form a community of sorts within the Malaysian blogging community (where I never go to the meets because I do not have the time, and I'm too mouse-like to imagine turning up at a meet where everyone knows no one and then behave like they already know everyone *yes I'm so gonna get flamed for this line*)... its so freaky that already in my existence in the list of Le Ils et les Elles des Malaisie, almost everyone on my list knows either someone else who's related to someone else either by coincidence or something, OR just happens to know someone that I know in real life who I do not know own a blog or not. Does my sentence cohere? Obviously it doesn't. Urgh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so freakingly complex and confusing I just don't know what to do about it. So you tell me, why on earth do we need to form a community when the community is already there?


Maybe its about birds of a feather flocking together. Probably, I mean, sorry, wrong connector, DEFINITELY, people who're insane enough to be hooked on blogging have to have that something in common, resulting in all of us invariably knowing someone who we didn't know already existed who actually in real life or in VR knows someone else who somehow knows you but you didn't know know you as well as someone else whom you know already but didn't know that knew somebody else who knows you and all that ...

I know it sounds like bull but it isn't bull.

AAAAAWwwwwwww dang I got distracted. Back to my studies.

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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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