Thursday, October 23
  Happy Deepavali Eve!
Just wanted to wish my Hindu readers as well as those who do celebrate the festival of lights, a very, very happy deepavali. I'm keen to try out your murukku of course!

I'm also planning to update my 100 things about me list, which was filled in around this time last year... need to update it because several things have changed and THAT list simply won't do anymore. The other reason is, of course, I have no idea what to blog about these days. So well... before I do a hundred things, maybe I'll start off with 20? It'll come in five parts, or just in case I can't finish five parts, at least the number will fall back nicely. So here goes:

1. Minishorts: The Blog is over one year old, and considered matured!!
2. Minishorts: The Person is going to be twenty three years old, and dreads to get older!!
3. Minishorts is a student, a teacher and an editor all in one, oh but you know all that already!!
4. This time last year Minishorts was happily attached to a doctor-wannabe.
5. This time now Minishorts is happily bouncing in the realm of single's paradise!!! Whooopee!
6. Minishorts was DUMPED... booo hoo hooo...
7. Minishorts has thirty nine friends on friendster and counting...
8. Minishorts is cooking up a storm right now....
9. Minishorts is a workaholic who loves and loves and loves to work !!!
10. Minishorts owns a PC and operates an iMac in the office.
11. Minishorts wants to get a Centrino whooohoo!!
12. Minishorts wants to get many other things as well.
13. Somebody tried to steal Minishorts' car headlights yesterday, so the stupid headlight is dangling out of my car...
14. ... and Minishorts used ugly duct tape to seal them in until she brings the poor car to the service centre next week.
15. Minishorts' masters dissertation is going to be on Language Empowerment Through Web-journalling.
16. At the workplace, Minishorts' personalized portfolio includes editing MUET, 1119 and tertiery titles ... (Wah... showing off)
17. Minishorts' radio is now playing John Mayer's 'No Such Thing'...
18. Minishorts loves to listen to the Mix Breakfast Show.
19. Minishorts thinks that the women are incredibly stupid this year to lose out to the men on the Mix Battle of the Sexes.
20. Minishorts is running out of ideas and will continue this tomorrow...

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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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