Wednesday, October 8
  Note This
Post a depressing sounding post, you get 11 hits on your comments counter. Plus brickbats ' get a life and move on!' and people who say nice things 'she can moan all she want!'.

Post something fun and happy, you get zilch.

So predictable. So so so predictable.

Followers of this blog would know things happened a long time ago, closer friends and blog-mates would know that I'm okay now and I live a very happy and fulfilling life. Plus the fact that Eric won two international awards, from from Cannes!!!!!! Eric's my bestest pal from High School, he, Rooban and me made up what was notorious as the CHS Three Musketeers gang.... what did they say about us again? We always hung around each other and I seem to recall Shin Liang accusing us of shutting everybody out of our gang.

Well that's because being in a school where the language of communication was predominantly Mandarin, we were the only ones who were close to Rooban who couldn't speak Chinese, and hell, we joined the Ed Board together, the debate club together, wrote a few articles together and did the ultimatum: we joined BRATs and attended many camps together.

Now what's happened?

Roob's left for Miri to do his two year posting with Petronas. I'm working with Oxford as an editor. Eric's an aspiring film director with Planet Films and he's won two awards for the company this year.

That's us. Two guys and a girl. Posted a pic of us before. Here it is again.

We met each other in form 2 and now, 11 years down the road we're still one gang. Best friends are like that. I hope we last forever. I think true friends always will. That's the cool thing about friends.

And I'm so sure that this post is not going to get the same number of comments that THE CONFESSIONAL MINISHORTS got.

What did I say. People are sadistic fools, hungry for sad stories. They fly like moths to a candlelight that screams trouble.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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