Wednesday, October 1
Minishorts decided to message the dude on his birthday but tarak response. Tu-lah... a lot of things actually no point doing one, but apparently, minishorts worry too much about what other people think. Aiseh, what to do, minishorts is lonely and that alone draws moths to this candlelight. Bleh. Minishorts has never been called immaculate in her life before.. but doesn't that mean minishorts is a perfectionist?


Apparently, minishorts is very honest in this blog.


You, and you, and you... you you you ... you you you you you are so so so so so so so so wrong.

But they responded!!! Picolo!! Hello! I liked your answers. I actually glowed at them. Reads like a fan-mail published in public man!!! Don't hafta sleep anymore. *Blushing blushing* Wait... I have just the smiley for that: here goes nothing: But hey, Picolo, like I said, is new to blogging and he wants to be welcomed to the big big family of mad-cap bloggers like yours truly. Minishorts is baffled - betul-ke you?

Blogging is horribly self-exposing and sometimes you type things you don't realise you're typing and once you're published... you're published.

Visit Picolo and *muah* read the response to moi last question. Click!

Then the notorious Veritas blogged. You know what? I forgot to ask one question!!! Argh... I read his answers and I'm thinking... hey... there's the one question I forgot : Like how the hell did he managed to convince good ol' Huai Bin to host that blog for him. I want to be Somebody buy me a domain name? And then host me ... maybe around 100 MB would be good so that I can set up a photo album. Oh yeah, throw in installation of the menalto gallery oso? . Wil probably throw in sexy shorts of the 'immaculate' minishorts so that you'll be convinced she's not that immaculate after all ... *OK OK sorry picolo... I'm still gushing over your answer to Q5*.... but Veritas, being Veritas... sigh... dunno lah.... I just want to see how his partner responses. Click! and go see Veritas being interviewed. And then comment to him. Maybe tell him to quit drugging? Or at least show us a pic of himself feng-tau-ing? Darn.. .should have been more provocative *if i weren't being so already*

And I miss viv already? In her letter she said that 'you're a very strong person and have always been a source of inspiration...' and I just wanted to really, break down and cry. I guess one year isn't that long after all... but it is 365 days, or more. And will miss her greatly. Yes Viv, I too am glad I got to know you better after my break. Am glad that I broke free from the shambles of being in a very, very serious relationship and that finally I admit that being single is actually enjoyable. But I'm not that strong, although I may seem to be. I care too much about what other people say and I work my heart to death because of that. But most of all I will miss you because you were there to make me strong, and if I'm strong, its only because you made me feel I have to be strong. Thank you for everything and will await your return.

And if you do not return, please do *I think this must be the 10th time I've said this* get a very, very rich gwailo who will be able to afford a very grand wedding on the Grand Canyons (near where you will be mah) and charter a plane, with comfy cushy first class type seats and fantastic airplane meals (cos the food is usually yucky) for all of us to go and stay... and throw in a tour of Colorado for as also ... bla bla... That will probably justify your reason to stay in the States and not come back. I'll probably help you with the works *more experienced mah*

Anyway.... good night and have a safe journey.


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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