Writer's Block
Now its Writer's Block, in the real sense. I'm supposed to finish up that article ASAP but I can't seem to be able to string the words together in a coherent style. I keep thinking, I need to upgrade my style, I need to improve on the language, I need to polish the grammar, and in the end, I end up trying too hard and now I'm being hindered by the dreaded Block.
I've mentally set 31st October as the deadline so by hook or by crook I shall need to finish it. Even if it means sitting down during the two hours break I have for lunch tomorrow and forcing the article out of my mind.
But wait, my author's planned to treat us to TGIF for lunch.
I'll do numbers 21-40 of the 100 Things About Minishorts (revised edition) now, just to clear things up.
21. Minishorts is suffering from severe Writer's Block.
22. On October 17, 1998, Minishorts attended BRATs' Farm Fun Camp '98, brining 28 privileged city kids to Mantin to get a taste of 'living off the land'.
23. On October 24, 2003, Minishorts brought 23 underprivileged kids from PAKK Chow Kit to the same farm in Mantin to get the taste of 'living off the land'.
24. Today, Minishorts is required to write an article about the latter.
25. And she's sitted her blogging crap.
26. Minishorts feels drained.
27. Minishorts feels quite angry that some people aren't messaging her as often as they used to anymore.
28. Minishorts REALLY, REALLY hates this webpage design and hopes that she gets some free time ASAP so that she may start working on a new canvas.
29. Tomorrow Minishorts will celebrate her 6th year of BRAT-ship.
30. Minishorts thinks this stupid list thingy is getting absurd.
31. OKAY, so Minishorts admits she's a tad lonely.
32. OKAY, Minishorts admits she's a little bit of a workaholic.
33. And Minishorts is also, gaining weight.
34. Minishorts has a weak thing for guys in specs...
35. With a desirable height (taller than Minishorts please!!)
36. Minishorts sometimes thinks that she may be 'confused' because she really enjoys looking at pretty girls!!!!
37. And wondering if their assets or lack of assets are real or fake.
38. And wondering what it feels like to fondles those stuff.
39. Minishorts is NOT schizoprenic!! Someone said she was...
40. Minishorts just likes writing in the third person because its one of the things that makes her distinctively Minishorts...
For now..... I think I just activated ....