When you blend the words 'web' and 'log' you get the word 'blog', clip it and you get 'Blog'... the phenomenon that has sucked us all into its whirlpool.... why not also, blend the word 'blog' and 'originality' and get 'bloginality'.
Bloginality is
Whatever INFJ is, I bet you can figure out by yourself. Just have to click on the link mah.
Right, if you take MY definition for the term, that is, your blog's originality, bloginality is hard to come by. Surf around and tell me what you think. Do you, as minishorts does, goes surfing and think...'awwwwww jeesh i wanna be like that!'... get back to your blog and do something that you hope is something like that? When you emulate, I suppose, you kind lose a little bit of your voice in your blog.
I do that you know?
I think its okay to emulate but not to the extent that you copy and copy until you lose touch of yourself. You just won't sound you anymore.
So what do you think of my bloginality? Oh I so hope that the Minishorts style is bloginal and that its not easy to emulate. Everyone can write you know? The trouble is how to find your own voice without being swept away by larger than life aspirations (that usually do no justice to your efforts to stand out).
And oh, bloginality should also apply to designs. Many people have asked me why I haven't migrated to MT or Nucleus... prob is I know chicken poo about PhP and I can't even make a proper design. And Minishorts is of course, very concerned about design!
Oh, btw, I was doing a bit of surfing and my DJ name is
That's like so viciously cool, you know? Hehe... I think I'll just call myself Vicious Lemon on MSN for several days.