Thursday, November 27
  I Feel Like A Female Dog
Quiz Me
minishorts was
a Stingy Travel Agent
in a past life.

Discover your past lives @ Quiz Me

These Quiz Me games sure are hilarious... Although I personally think Minishorts in her past was, well, a pair of minishorts.


The other time I took a test of this kind, it said I had been a serial killer in my past. I'd like to think in this life Minishorts is actually a serial killer of sorts, of course the term ought to be metaphorical.

* * * * *

I've been surfing around again and I've been reading blogs again. I've been seeing several congratulatory wishes from readers to bloggers who've made the transition from the self-publishing *eeeks I have my own blog now* syndrome to the real print *eeks, I'm accomplished because if you buy a newspaper/magazine/book you'll get to read about one little weeny line i wrote that's good enough to be in print* syndrome. I've been thinking just this .... 'Huh?'

Actually, I've been wondering: what if you've already been published? Should you get into your own blog and announce, 'Hello, I've been mentioned in such and such publication today!!!', and then head on to provide all the links to your publication, if there're links available?

Have you any idea how many people out there are already published but don't make a huge fuss about it?

What's this? You're just published. Its just a line with your name. You're not even paid to be mentioned, so why the fuss. Be grateful you're not published for a stupid reason.

Over here we have people who make a huge fuss about copyright and demand triple figured payments for use of a single line of their 'individual intellectual property'.

A line that you blogged about, being mentioned in an insignificant article in an otherwise insignificant newspaper company (some BRATs are probably going to kill me for this), is totally insignificant.

That's why Minishorts doesn't go around telling people that she's published a book, or written an article in the paper, or that her blog has been mentioned in some insignificant newspaper supplement and hey there, congratulate her.

Well, then, why not? You may even give her that newspaper cutting that has her pic/name on it, and she'll autograph it for you, free of charge. Then you may cut it out and frame it up, and put it right in front of your cubicle walls, just for the whole office to see. "Hey, look, Minishorts signed her article!!" Wait wait, I'm getting my pronouns wrong. "Hey, look, that's my alter ego published in the papers. Oooh, now congratulate me because I've got my five seconds of fame."

Now bitchify me, flame me, sue me, I'm in that very mood right now. So I'm evil. But for what it takes, I bet many people agree with me. Especially if you're in the publishing line, like I am.

Things just get dirtier, and dirtier. You'll see.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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