It's Monday, and I'm Out of My Freaking Mind
You know I actually like talking about blogging a lot. I write a lot about it, this (almost) daily thing that's become so integrally a part of my life. Its rather cliched at times to do so, but I really, actually, in fact, and the truth is, I tend to have a lot of thoughts about what this whole web-journalling exercise constitutes. So I'm going to talk about it today, this Monday morning, this eve of Raya, this prequel to a wonderful workless two day official holiday.
The thing that I told myself was never to happen actually happened. I've officially become a part of the *gasp* blogging community.
Right. More like I've become a moderator with
The Book Review Blog. Better known hereforth as Book My Blog [dot] org. I've attended my very first blog meet and actually survived it. And planning for the next meet. I've met blog-lunatics like myself and am thoroughly pleased with the lot.
Who says that net-junkies are supposed to be nerdy nutcases?
If you just popped in here and are shocked with the way this self-professed junkie writes (and designs her website), please do take my word and believe that we're cool people with cool tastes and a cool affinity with each other because we all like good coffee, good food, good clothes, good books of course, and properly sensible but good writing.
And we all don't like banning books with pontianaks because pontianaks are not scary at all.
The other thing about us is, we all wanna be famous. Thrive on the possibilities of being famous. And wanna be told we write really, really well, however fake or untrue it is. Now that we are famous, we want to be more famous. We wanna reach the TOP ONE HUNDRED list of the
'blogs that you simply should not miss out on' list although we hate to admit it. But its all we really want.
Its almost an Attention-Deficit-Therefore-We-Need-Modes-Of-Fulfillment-Thus-Blogging-Is-The-Clue syndrome, and here we are.
Dear blog, today I bla bla bla. I bla bla bla and thus I bla bla bla. Oh yeah, here's a picture of the bla bla bla. I hope you enjoy yourself. End blog. See you tomorrow.
"Heya! You, out there! Have you seen my blog?"
I absolutely can't see how we profess to be freaking afraid of Mom finding out about our blogs and still head on faithfully to blog the day. And blog about how freakingly afraid we are that our bosses and best friends will find out that we're all such sadistically attention-seeking want-it-alls. And don't want to admit it. Yet admit it.
Its such a vicious thing ler. Its crazily hypocritical.
I must be out of my mind to be writing all this down.
And its freaking long.
And I've lost count of the times I've typed the word 'freak' already. In all of its metamorphoses.
I suppose its because
soda bought herself a domain and suddenly I'm inspired to blog about blogs.
And how freakingly freakolistically fantastic that we're all morphing into blog-a-holics. I feel great. Don't you?
Selamat Hari Raya, in advance.