Thursday, November 27
  So Minishorts Isn't As Regular As She Used To Be...
... so what does it matter?

I just don't know what to talk about these days. I don't like to sit in front of my w:bloggar screen and think the minutes away, thinking of something intelligent enough to be published online. I don't like to sit down and blog the day's events either, because it just makes that a journal entry, and I don't really want to be THAT voyeuristic.

I just want to blog when I feel like it.

So I'm not as regular as I used to be, am no longer the daily blogger...

... but does that make me less, Minishorts?

What happened yesterday?

A friend from Penang was in town. We spent the whole day shopping. First it was Sungei Wang Plaza (yes I'm crazy to head down to the BB area on a public holiday, don't remind me, the jam was stupifying). In between Extreme Mochas and U-Village Club French Toasts, we walked ourselves silly trying to get good deals (Malaysian Mega Sale extravaganza maaaaaaaaaaaa)....

6 pm, we weren't satisfied. So off we went to Mid Valley (this time no jam, thank goodness) ....and... well, spent the remaining 3 hours lounging around in MPH, where she bought several books on the dating game whilst my eyes sped read books on horoscopes. 2004 is dawning upon us and I thought I needed to get prepared. A bit confusing though, because whilst a book said that Scorpios will have a very wonderful year in relationships next year, another said that singles will remain single. Some books also said that many Monkeys will get married next year. Hah.

I was more interested in whether I'll have a bad or good year for my career.

Apparently, Minishorts can look forward to a continued uprise in the work/career area.

That doesn't sound too bad.

10 pm and we adjourned to Kuchai Lama's Ming Tien food court where the rest of the UPM AIESEC alumni joined us ....

I woke up at 1 pm this morning, btw. This morning, I had loads of things to blog about, but I sat down and watched The Glass House, then I lepakked a bit, and then drove off to IKEA to buy some unnecessary stuff and here I am. I finally blogged.


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