This is Not Meant for You
I warned you.
I so hate hate hate people who go out and boast 'I wrote this book bla bla bla bla yada yada yada yada ... oh I was a writer yada yada yada yada....' Bull shit lah. Where is your fucking proof? And then you come and tell me, 'Oh when I was writing so and so and so ... bla bla bla bla' my ear gets this screeching pain and I just want to tell you to SHUT SHUT SHUT SHUT the FUCK up. I don't give a bloody fucking damn which book you wrote before. That was BEFORE BEFORE BEFORE ... Now now now, since you claim to be so smart so clever just prove it to me. All I know at this point is that's all cock and nothing but cock.
WTF you are like 1 month behind your pounding deadline, it is not my job to call you up every fucking day to tell you to check your bloody e-mail. I spend 5 hours cleaning up your stupid work of shit, spend 60 kilometres worth of petrol driving all the way to your stupid house to help you plan your book properly, and you haven't even sent in your manuscript yet. Not like I want the full book anyway, I just want the first 16 pages.
All I fucking do is call you up every day to remind you about your stupid royalties which are pending and will not be sent to you until you work on that manuscript. Plus I'm not earning a single cent of your royalties. I help you get your book proposal approved. And you bitch behind my back telling people that I'm a pest? You know or not? I'm not your silly student wearing a school uniform with your school's badge; I'm paid to work like a dog so that you get to earn your royalties and see your name on the front cover of 20,000 odd books and you're telling me I'm rude. ALL I FUCKING DO IS CALL YOU EVERY DAY TO REMIND YOU TO WORK ON YOUR BOOK. Its your book, your book, your book, not mine.
I don't have to fucking care about whether YOUR book gets published or not. It it YOUR dream to get published. Not my dream. YOUR idealistic fantasy, 'I'm an author of bla bla bla bla.' You nutcase. I don't give a damn if YOUR dreams smash into dust. Dust dust lah not my fucking business oso. If this book doesn't get through to me its just another casualty on the list.
Don't bite the hands that feed you you idiot.
Every one who dreams of writing a book should work on getting their deadlines right and don't use bloody meetings as an excuse to not write. It takes discipline to be a writer. Learn it up before you even try.
Oh one more thing, you ain't a writer until I say so. And you ain't a good writer until I say so. And if your work needs cleaning up as much as it does now, it means you ain't a good writer at all. I'm just giving you a chance because you seemed nice in the first place.
Oh you if you don't like me and my curses get the fucking out of here. I didn't invite you to say hello anyway. Get out.
Add on: Phoooh.... I'm in the design section. Phhooooh... I should have left that wet look template on. That would probably push me up to number one. Phooh.... bulls*** lah minishorts you think you very clever izzit.
Yes lah. Or else why am I adding on this crap?