Monday, January 5
I haven't had a life for an entire week. My holidays were spent slaving away in the office... well, voluntarily of course. My New Year's Eve, for example, was spent in front of the Mac right until 9 pm and then when I got home, I spent my countdown arguing on the phone with a friend about stuff that still puzzles me till now.

New Year's Day I was armed with the key to the OUP office, and there again I spent another 7 hours or so sitted in front of the Mac trying to finish a 20 page document.

2nd Day of New Year I was still at the office.

3rd day of 2004 and I was at the office from 8.30 till 12.30 in the afternoon, and then I just zonked out. Slept like a pig for several hours, after which I dragged myself to the office YESTERDAY (which was a Sunday) and well, after having pizza for five days in a row I guess I just lost it.

Why am I telling you this?

I think its because I suddenly realized that I've just downed three large McD's fries and there goes my weight.


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Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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