Thursday, January 1
  'Happy' New Year
Oh Minishorts you're such a fool, you keep forgetting the rules of the game and you forget about how you should hold your tongue until you're absolutely sure.

'But I thought it was more. It was everything and more. The signals were so glaring.'

Yeah well. I'm sure they were glaring. Anyway, whatever signals they were, look what has happened. Are you happy now?

'I don't know lah. Just another crushed feather to add to the hat of a screwed up year. What else is there supposed to know.'

Where the heck is your dignity and pride, Minishorts. Where the heck it is. Well, anyway what's done is done I guess. No point dwelling on spilt milk. Do you have your resolutions for the new year?

'Well of course.

  • Hold my tongue until I'm absolutely sure.

  • Work, work, work!

  • Study, study, study!

  • Get more sleep. See five hours of sleep a day is killing me...


  • Will that do?'

    Yeah, well. Make sure you hold your tongue. Keep your heart still. Don't you think 2003 was messed up enough for you already? You better hope for a better year ahead.

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    Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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