Monday, January 26
  Yee Sang, Anyone?
The Yee Sang, literally translated as 'Fish Alive' in Cantonese is a very Malaysian Chinese culture. Walk back a few years and you don't even see this in China/Hong Kong/Taiwan/Singapore... in fact they don't have it in Hong Kong. Usually eaten on the 7th day of Chinese New Year, known to KL-ites as the 'Yan Yat' or the 'Day of Men', tossing the Yee Sang has become a CNY must-do in urban Kay El. Nowadays, we eat it early, especially since restaurants all start serving the Yee Sang a month before the CNY celebrations commence!

Get the plate ready. 'Xi' means double happiness for the Chinese, usually associated with weddings, with the male and female mandarin ducks as symbols of love. Good for CNY also!! Especially for single unmarrieds like minishorts!!!

Place Yee Sang over the plate...

Pepper and five spice powder on raw fish slices...

Squeeze some lime over the fish...

Some oil over the Yee Sang platter...

Pour plum sauce over the Yee Sang...

Here's a mixture of fried sesame seeds and crushed nuts...

Cracker bits all over the Yee Sang to give it a crunchy taste...

Toss the Yee Sang and shout at the top of your lungs 'lou hei lou hei'... the higher you go, the better luck you'll get... but make sure the Yee Sang doesn't spill out of the plate. Means your luck will spill out also!!

Serve unto your own dish and enjoy!!!!

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