It's February Already?!!
Today I woke up to the horrible realization that its the second month of 2004 already.
Its still Chinese New Year but the countdown to Chap Goh Meh is ending.... My Developmental Linguistics term paper #2 deadline is up on that very same day and then there's the recently assigned Pragmatics paper deadline on the 21st and then after that I have my second semester finals!! And then soon it will be the long three month holiday (for the master's programme) where I'm supposed to be busy collecting data for my dissertation... and then, and then it will be September and its my deadline!! And then if all goes well and my paper gets approved and then it will be my second convocation very soon and then, and then, ... I'll be almost 26!!! And then and then biological clock will start ticking and then and then ...
OMG would be four years old by then...
I think I lost too much money in last night's Black Jack session. *sniff*