Thursday, February 19
  It's That Time of the Month Again
I'm having one of those PMS mood swings right now. One minute I feel extremely hyper, another minute my feelings seem to plunge down to the very lowest. When I'm choreographing the moves to the Reach song, I feel exuberantly happy. Then afterwards, I get a simmering murmur down in my stomach, and then I feel as if I'm going to explode. Or all of a sudden I feel my eyes water, the tiniest trickle of a tear forming in my eyes, and I don't even know why I'm sniffing when the air conditioner's turned on to a 'just-nice' temperature.

They're part and parcel of being a woman I guess, these symptoms that probably indicate it's that time of the month again. The trouble with me is, the gravity of the troubles seem to double, even triple, every time I get emotionally attached to somebody.

When all I really have to care about are my family, work and friends, these swings happen, but they don't affect my emotions so badly. Now I feel terribly edgy, and I'm at the brink of bursting out in anger, or starting a wailfest. The best thing is, I'm not even sure what I'm upset about. And for that very 'not-very-sure' reason, I've begun to nitpick. I'm plucking out needles in haystacks, and you know, I do it quite well! I've even perfectly valid reasons to justify my grumbling spirit. And then the awful lines that I make up just replay themselves repeatedly in the mind....

I just wonder how long they would last. Its been long since I last had such an awful PMS. The last time was when I was emotionally attached to somebody else. And now... this. I'm now come to believe that my PMS swings get worse whenever I fall in love. For some unknown and probably biological reason, my body physically moves into 'Listen to me mode!' while my head fights with the rest of the growling self to remain normal.

Urgh... I just feel horrible horrible. Accusative lines are hanging at the tip of my tongue and I'm trying very, very hard to keep them back. *CONTROL! CONTROL IS THE KEY!*

I'm going to get one of those pink pills today. You think they'll help?

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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