Sunday, February 29
  New Things in Life
I'm going to be 24 this end of October. As I gradually hit my first quarter of a century on Earth, there are a few things that have changed significantly in life. Today, I should like to talk about the most amazing thing that has shocked the wits out of me.

It is now, still, stupifyingly shocking, how perfectly decent men, whom you got to know when they were still boys, who were nicely decent boys then, have grown up to be hormone-raging males of the species, who now walk around with invicible labels above their head saying, 'I'm a man.'; who now look down at your chest if you terpakai a lower cut blouse, (Think CLEAVAGE), who when they talk now, sometimes stiffen their diction with sexual innuendoes, who now make out of taste flirtatious comments, and who absolutely, absolutely turn you off.

Its a horrifying shocker, because these were the very same people you grew up with, kids that you've known since their voices were a higher soprano than your own.

Or when you tertangkap them staring at your accidental cleavage, girls girls!! Hey, now you get scared and you actually wonder what these men are thinking behind your back. Or talking about you behind your back.

Or what type of images they form of you behind your back.


On another note, what do you do when your bf tells you that he doesn't know if he's still in love with his ex? Or when somebody asks you, if you are still in love with your ex? Or when you do ponder on these two questions, and then you wonder, 'Hmmmm is he? Hmmm... am I?'

I'm not entirely sure. Is it possible to be in love with your bf, but also in love with some snippets of the past at the same time?

If I were to weigh the differences, of course I love my bf more. Cos he loves me more than my ex loves me. I recall during the break, my ex told me something along the lines of, 'I'll always love you.'

So doesn't matter. I've learnt to value time in the present only. And the future will fall into place.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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