Unnecessary Thoughts
Dear Minishorts:
You know right? The fact that I'm a terrible worrier. If I showed you my palm you'll notice the abundance of thinking lines on the palm. I think too much. Most of my friends have smooth palms. OK maybe except
Shadowlight. His palms have many thinking lines too. He's even more information hungry than I am, and if you catch him in his 'thinking mode', you absolutely don't want to disturb him. And then he'll just go into 'thinking mode' everytime you say something stupid or smart.
But that's besides the point.
The point is, FM's mother was looking at my palm the other day and she said I should stop thinking so much. She said I can't really help it and its probably because I did Language study and Literature that more lines have surface. Now how's that for a homemade hypothesis regarding, 'Why this girl thinks so much?'
Did you get the reason?
Its because studying literature makes me think of all the wh-question-answers to all the things that I confront.
Now what if people who don't know I have a blog find out that I have a blog. They'll probably say this, 'Its because you have a blog, and then because you need to publish things to your blog, that you're thinking so much.'
I was troubled yesterday. I was talking to
Chocobo about it and in the end he came up with this, 'I don't get what it is with people who think so much of what others think of them."
Wait wait. I don't. If I do I wouldn't be having a blog okay. This space here has probably the ultimate reason for the repetitive humiliation and shocks that I seem to get in the past 2 1/2 years.
BTW, the brain's made for thinking, and we're only using less than 5% of its thinking capacity. Now what's so bad about thinking so much, except that maybe some of the thoughts are necessarily. Being a thinker living in the new millenium, now doesn't that make me, 'Today's modern thinking woman?'
Alright. I've crapped enough today. Buhbye.
Just me.