Tuesday, February 3
  What's 'Bliss'?
Its called bliss when you're on a holiday where you get to snuggle up in bed to the things you love the most, like pillows and blankets and soft playing Japanese anime soundtracks in the background. You just want time to stay put as it is while you laze in the comfort and splendour of it all. So cozy and warm, no?

And then the next day suddenly dawns on you and the shock of realizing that *oh shit I need to get back to work* pours on like a bucket of icy cold water on your back. That's where 'bliss' stops abruptly.

I'm working today because its not a holiday for people like me. Its already the third day of February, and no, I'm not done with the shock of it yet. I've done my Priorities for the month since the secretary is on Raya leave, and I still have the Objectives to work on. I've finished almost half a box of nga ku, that sinfully delicious deep fried water chestnut chips that every Chinese household would have during CNY. Yesterday was good, oh yes. . . really slept most of the afternoon away. That's how a holiday should really be like...

Oh well, fret not, for I've got another long weekend to look forward to this week.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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