Friday, March 5
  My Exams Are Over
Hip hip hurrah! Now I can concentrate on making money and making life make sense because money makes life make sense (I sound materialistic, don't I?).

Little plea to He-who-must-know-all: please let my mum loosen up a little. I'm only still young and have no intention of marrying the first guy I date, wait...I meant marrying the next guy I fall in love with... I have my whole life ahead of me and right now all I need to concentrate on is to get my priorities right. First things first, I need to complete my master's dissertation ASAP so that I can... concentrate on making money and making life make sense because money makes life make sense. Urm, okay I'm repeating myself. I think too much caffeine and a severe lack of sleep makes people do that. But still. I want to concentrate on making life make sense by making more money.

Now I sense bombs flying my way. *Ducks*

BTW, who was it who said he was going to KLCC tomorrow?

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we hope she's getting better...

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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