Work on Saturday
Hello! It's the last Saturday of the month and here I am blogging from the office. Look, there's the renovation guy walking all over the place, they're fixing up Design to make way for more editors, or so I heard. some of the cabinets have been brought over to just outside my cubicle, allowing me more privacy, BUT, less breathing space. My body seems to be heated up internally, but if you put your palm over my forehead and neck, you'll say that there's nothing wrong with me. The sore throat hasn't gone yet, it goes every time I take the doctor's prescription though. Otherwise, I'm pretty ok, that's why I'm here today.
Mum has been notified that for the next few months I'll be seeing less of her, become more edgy, become more sensitive and more prone to tears of frustration. The more sensitive part came yesterday when I almost yelled at my colleagues on the phone when I found out that they had hid my pillow. Well, yell I didn't. Tried very hard to sound nice (I knew it was a prank), but the moment I put the phone down, I felt tears ... Oh dear, oh dear. Minishorts, you're not being in control of yourself. Not anymore.
Me? I blame it on the weather. That has caused this horrid cold. I want to get well soon because I want to be all nice and happy again. And then the whole world will seem to be a better place to live in. Because I'm nicer to talk to then!