Five Days to Go
*hic* Almost done. *hic* Feeling light-headed, and that's a good sign. *hic* Am in a better mood today, and I think tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after the day after tomorrow I'll be like this. *hic* Laughing over the tiniest details, but I believe laughing is anytime better than wailing. *hic* No I'm not drunk!!!! Am just bordering hysteria. *hic* DEADLINES!!!! I run high on them, can't live without them, but with them my life is a total havoc. Oxymoronic situation, I know. *hic* I suppose that's why I provoked a concern person to frickin' sign my guestbook saying that I'm 'frickin wallow(ing) in self-pity'. *hic* Nutcase!!!! You can't even read between the lines and I've never been an advocate for self-pity. *hic* Well most of you know better. *hic* It's a case of living the life of the work-addict, you see. *hic* Sorry to blur your eyes out, am not pretending to be cute or anything but then again, your mind belongs to you and speculate what you will. *hic* Tonight, for the first time in the week I'm going to go home at 5 and rest and have my usual Friday night out. *hic* That's very, very good indeed, considering I have to work during the long weekend holidays. *hic* Did I say *hic*? Wait. I forgot. Oh well, you know what they say about writers and wannabes, they all die early deaths. I'm part of the latter group of people, but I have writers who're in their early seventies and still very health looking, thank you.
I just don't like it when people who don't really know me as a person start to advise me on things that they side-guess just by the way I explicate matters on the blog.
You are privileged to be able to read snippets of this person's life as she sees it, she is honoured to have your attention, but at the same time, there's a fine line between knowing, commenting, advising and saying your opinions. Which one were you already? If I wanted advice I would ask out loud, thank you very much. Only 5% of you who read this know me as a person, the others, please do me a huge favour, don't start giving me advice on how to live life right because it 'fricking' doesn't apply to the opinions that I'm posting here you nutcases.
Ok. That's all I have to say. Oh yeah, one more thing. I'm seriously very angry that you kenakan my friend also. I thought that line he said was very true and very funny and then you had to go and kenakan him like that.
I dunno lah you all.