Friday, April 16
  Private Note
You know I don't actually beat about the bush, just that when I get really comfortable with somebody, I tend to talk in the way that I'm most comfortable with, at an incredibly high speed of what is probably 6-8 syllables per second and my point-of-view shifts all the time, I'll go from 'I' to 'Her' and 'You' all at one go. In a way I suppose it's like how I tell people I'm not the person who writes these posts, but in fact everyone feels that I am, and no one seems to understand completely what I'm trying to say either.

I suppose I'm being completely ignorant of the rest of the world, that's when I get too comfortable. 'But' I guess I'm annoyed that suddenly I don't feel all that special because being deemed 'common' and like 'every other person'... well, for someone whose ego is the size of what mine is (go figure), that's a pretty heavy accusation and label, and that can be quite a stab.

Oh well. I absolutely hate debating into the night over nothing in particular, but what I'm more upset about is the fact that you're upset because we're 'fighting' so say you. What's the compromise again? I'm noting it down in case one of us forgets, which is very likely to happen. Don't argue to win... there's no point winning when at the end of the day, if we keep on going on over something as miniscule as 'commonplace' and 'special' and debating both our reasonable arguments over the issue... we're both probably going to end up losers. I don't know about you, but I definitely do not intend for that to happen.

That compromise was to give the benefit of the doubt for the person who provoked the argument, however ludicrous it is. Because at the end of the day, it's the person who picks up the start of the argument that starts the engine. Now why should we let the car race to the finishing line when we can kill it before it grows out of proportion? I'd rather make peace.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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