Saturday, May 22
  Back To Basics
It's back to basics this time, I've taken out the Guestbook link as well.

That just wasn't me. Someone asked me why I'm still on Blogger even though I'm hosted on my own server. I tried some of the new features, but you see, my blog isn't made to be reader-friendly. It's supposed to be thought-friendly, and there's a vast difference between the two. After all, everything here is pretty personal, and if you'd really think about it, the site's really dedicated to one person only, that's me. Of course, whether fortunate (or unfortunate, depending on how you'd see it) has become pretty public. Yet tear away all the fancy decorations, and what's left is really a whole load of jargon, not ever, really comprehensible by the layperson, perhaps 60% understood and emphathized by friends who know me personally... the remaining, is really, quite, clearly, inexplanable.

So all those functions. Buh-bye. No point, really.

Well, you could also say that I got lazy. But hey, at least I tried.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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