I Miss...
The smiles, how we used to sit beside each other and tease the other for blushing or so. He's cute, she's cute, and then they smile at each other, and the rest of the world fades into oblivion.
But nature is a cruel victor, it always takes it course. It sweeps upon you violently, and the pressures of life just afix themselves quite comfortably onto your life, eating into the most stable of relationships.
And things just break, break, break, crumble.
But I miss the smiles, the brushing of our fingers against each other. Your breath down my collar when we kiss, the soft warmth of your lips when they touch mine. I miss the carefreeness, and the happiness that comes with knowing you belong.
I trust everyone misses all that too... but sometimes, sometimes, all these just fade away. And it takes patience to seek them again.
Well, I'm not worried. I have the patience. You, don't frown, I think you have that strength in you too, more apparent than mine.