Monday, May 24
  Well, Hello

This photo has nothing to do whatsoever with the rest of the post. But when I was in Malacca and Leonard took me to eat their Satay Celup, I shocked the guys out of their wits by dunking in 15 sticks of shelled cockles and then eating them all at one go. No, the high cholestrol doesn't bother me, at least, not yet.


Right now blogspot users get to post photos and have them hosted for free!!! Except for the domain name, and the advertisement-free privilege, this whole 'I own a domain thing' isn't really that cool after all!!!

Nope, I wasn't paid to do an ad for blogger.

Okay, so I didn't use hello, that new service from picasa that's supposed to 'work seamlessly with blogger'. But that's only because it messed up my so-called very neatly filed up folders in the server.

But I used the client to chat with a friend and share photos, and trust me on this one. It's really excellent. And every time you do a conventional smiley face, a huge face will fall from the top of your menu bar. Cool!

Well, since I am not a techie, my little review is from a very layperson's point of view. I really liked the blogger templates, but this photoblogging function is really nifty.

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Location: Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Narcissistic, just like you. Otherwise, you'd like to think she's living a better life than you are. Walk on for the future.

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