Writer's Block
Now its Writer's Block, in the real sense. I'm supposed to finish up that article ASAP but I can't seem to be able to string the words together in a coherent style. I keep thinking, I need to upgrade my style, I need to improve on the language, I need to polish the grammar, and in the end, I end up trying too hard and now I'm being hindered by the dreaded Block.
I've mentally set 31st October as the deadline so by hook or by crook I shall need to finish it. Even if it means sitting down during the two hours break I have for lunch tomorrow and forcing the article out of my mind.
But wait, my author's planned to treat us to TGIF for lunch.
I'll do numbers 21-40 of the 100 Things About Minishorts (revised edition) now, just to clear things up.
21. Minishorts is suffering from severe Writer's Block.
22. On October 17, 1998, Minishorts attended BRATs' Farm Fun Camp '98, brining 28 privileged city kids to Mantin to get a taste of 'living off the land'.
23. On October 24, 2003, Minishorts brought 23 underprivileged kids from PAKK Chow Kit to the same farm in Mantin to get the taste of 'living off the land'.
24. Today, Minishorts is required to write an article about the latter.
25. And she's sitted her blogging crap.
26. Minishorts feels drained.
27. Minishorts feels quite angry that some people aren't messaging her as often as they used to anymore.
28. Minishorts REALLY, REALLY hates this webpage design and hopes that she gets some free time ASAP so that she may start working on a new canvas.
29. Tomorrow Minishorts will celebrate her 6th year of BRAT-ship.
30. Minishorts thinks this stupid list thingy is getting absurd.
31. OKAY, so Minishorts admits she's a tad lonely.
32. OKAY, Minishorts admits she's a little bit of a workaholic.
33. And Minishorts is also, gaining weight.
34. Minishorts has a weak thing for guys in specs...
35. With a desirable height (taller than Minishorts please!!)
36. Minishorts sometimes thinks that she may be 'confused' because she really enjoys looking at pretty girls!!!!
37. And wondering if their assets or lack of assets are real or fake.
38. And wondering what it feels like to fondles those stuff.
39. Minishorts is NOT schizoprenic!! Someone said she was...
40. Minishorts just likes writing in the third person because its one of the things that makes her distinctively Minishorts...
For now..... I think I just activated ....
Taking That Turn
Of course she's like every other person, of course she's forced to make decisions in life. Sometimes, the decisions come easy. Like a smack in the face, they reek of failure, but then again, she's reminded that before she handed in that envelope at the British Council counter, she was contemplating something else.
'What should I do?'
'I think you should finish your master's degree first. Then you can think about what's going to happen in your life.'
And so he called her asking her if she received the letter to go to the interview.
'Nope. So you ought not to worry. It means less competition for you! Hell I went last year, and I'm hoping I'll get to be chosen again, but if you got the letter and I did not, I guess I need to be realistic and head on with life.'
I honestly thought he was calling her up to gloat. Hell he always does that. We all didn't like that whiney annoying voice of his. WTF his was only a borderline first class honours. Flip a little and he'd fall under the second class honours group. Plus the fact that this was a local university, and one that's not that .... recognised. Not that local universities are very recognised these days.
Face the facts. The ones having trouble getting jobs are local uni graduates. OK. Not my friends, fortunately.
But I got interviewed last year. I wrote it into my personal statement. 'I applied for this scholarship in 2002, and I was called for the interview. Unfortunately I did not get chosen to represent the country. I'm applying again this year with the earnest hope that this year, the scholarship will be mine...'
Huh. Wishful thinking.
Goodbye Oxford University. No money, no go study. Hello Oxford University Press. No study at your campus, earn money from you lor....
'Ma, I've been thinking, I'm not going to apply for the Chevening after all. I don't think I'll be able to get through my dissertation in one year's time, at the rate UM's going with the approval of the proposals. Melina said its going to be very strict.'
'Its up to you of course. You need to finish one postgraduate before you think about starting another one I guess.'
And then I remembered what the professors had said, 'Yes you need experience before you head on to PhD. Yes the experience will benefit you greatly.'
I sat in the hall beside my designer, listening to the speaker tell us about the new KBSM syllabus and the specifications of the textbooks and jotting down notes about what were needed, and I'm thinking....
What's next?
What should I do?
What happens when you're torn between climbing the corporate ladder and going up the academic ladder?
Which would you choose?
Its so cliche, and yet Robert Frost's poem just comes to mind. I deal with 1119 questions every other day, editing stems that lead on to the correct answers... helping students all over the country understand the central meaning of that famous poem.
The Road Not Taken.
Hell I don't even know that the road I'm taking is the one that's going to be less travelled by. Wait a minute, which road is it I'm taking now? Can someone give me a pointer there?
I'll just finish my master's degree first I guess.
The Farm Revisited
I'm supposed to write an article about The Farm. Its this get-away resort I went to near Lenggeng, Seremban on the 24th. Its purpose-built for city-folks and the unassuming to get to know what 'living off the land' entails. I encountered The Farm way, way back in 1998 when I was an unassuming BRAT, when the theme of that BRAT visit was to teach some city kids the 'farming' life...
Five years later, we went on Deepavali, with a very different bunch of children. These were the kids from the Pusat Aktiviti Kanak-kanak (PAKK) Chow Kit, first highlighted in
this story on The Star Metro (Klang Valley Edition). These are underprivileged kids who come from broken families and who are the children of sex workers and drug addicts, and so... they would not usually have the privilege to visit a place like The Farm. Because they do go to the centre, they were very disciplined, and an easy bunch to take care of. Speak to some of them and you'd never realise that these are children with dark backgrounds.
It was a very meaningful way to celebrate Deepavali and my birthday eve. I was not on the bus that took them to the place, but according to the BRATs who were, they were singing all the way on the one hour journey to The Farm. Reaching the place, these kids even taught us some games, and happily told us about their life in school and all that.
The Farm's a really cool place. There's plenty of weird things around the place. Like red papayas, for instance.
Or mushrooms...
Green rambutans...
Dragonfruit trees... looking like wild, humongous aloe veras...
Huge tortoises...
And mischievous monkeys...
We brought them fishing of course. The Farm has like three huge ponds, we did some angling in the bigger one, and the remaining two were optimal places for dip-fishing. That's a term I coined myself. You know, its the type of fishing where you take a huge net and wade into the pond and haul the fish up...
Ever had so much fish to eat in one day? These were very, very fresh!!
And we had a wonderful feast!!
So there, I had a really wonderful time and even though the journey back home took longer than usual, and everything left me spent... it was still fantastic. I'm supposed to go write that article now. And yeah, should have posted this up earlier, but didn't have the time to sort out the pics!!
Photos of my day's outing with the PAKK Chow Kit children can be viewed
Cool New Gift
Dad decided to get me a CD player for my car. He told the accessory shop taukeh (who happens to be a friend) that I could have a CD player provided it cost below RM 500 bucks. The taukeh decided to absorb my old Clarion cassette player (that comes with the Proton) and fix on a brand new Clarion DB335. I wanted an MP3 player but what the heck?!! I could always pick and choose nice songs and burn them on CDs... whoa...
Went to Bliss last night. Audio Royal was in town and the spinnings were just fantastic. Of course there was the occasional very gay people there but... at least the music was great lah. And try ordering Illusion and drinking all six shots at one. Gives you a horrid pounding headache. Good for grooving though.
Would like to thank everyone who smsed me Happy Birthday yesterday. I got tired of replying the 'thank yous' so please don't think I don't care.
Going to do some sit ups and cyclings. Toodles...
Home Sweet Home
So here I am, at home at last. And as all new owners do, I need some time adjusting. Which is why there are errors speckled all over the place and the font doesn't look nice, a lot of stuff is unfinished.
I just had to move here today because of the celebrations.
And the star feature of this site would be the Gallery of course!! You know where to get there don't you?
I've taken out the tagboard because I did notice that not everyone uses it. And commenting should be enough ler.....
That's all for now. Will be here in the morning. Now I really need to sleep.
Happy Deepavali Eve!
Just wanted to wish my Hindu readers as well as those who do celebrate the festival of lights, a very, very happy deepavali. I'm keen to try out your murukku of course!
I'm also planning to update
my 100 things about me list, which was filled in around this time last year... need to update it because several things have changed and THAT list simply won't do anymore. The other reason is, of course, I have no idea what to blog about these days. So well... before I do a hundred things, maybe I'll start off with 20? It'll come in five parts, or just in case I can't finish five parts, at least the number will fall back nicely. So here goes:
1. Minishorts: The Blog is over one year old, and considered matured!!
2. Minishorts: The Person is going to be twenty three years old, and dreads to get older!!
3. Minishorts is a student, a teacher and an editor all in one, oh but you know all that already!!
4. This time last year Minishorts was happily attached to a doctor-wannabe.
5. This time now Minishorts is happily bouncing in the realm of single's paradise!!! Whooopee!
6. Minishorts was DUMPED... booo hoo hooo...
7. Minishorts has thirty nine friends on
friendster and counting...
8. Minishorts is cooking up a storm right now....
9. Minishorts is a workaholic who loves and loves and loves to work !!!
10. Minishorts owns a PC and operates an iMac in the office.
11. Minishorts wants to get a Centrino whooohoo!!
12. Minishorts wants to get many other things as well.
13. Somebody tried to steal Minishorts' car headlights yesterday, so the stupid headlight is dangling out of my car...
14. ... and Minishorts used ugly duct tape to seal them in until she brings the poor car to the service centre next week.
15. Minishorts' masters dissertation is going to be on Language Empowerment Through Web-journalling.
16. At the workplace, Minishorts' personalized portfolio includes editing MUET, 1119 and tertiery titles ... (Wah... showing off)
17. Minishorts' radio is now playing John Mayer's 'No Such Thing'...
18. Minishorts loves to listen to the Mix Breakfast Show.
19. Minishorts thinks that the women are incredibly stupid this year to lose out to the men on the Mix Battle of the Sexes.
20. Minishorts is running out of ideas and will continue this tomorrow...
Soon To Come
Some of you already know. Most of you don't. There are things soon to come. I'll still be here. Except I'll be different. I thought I'd give myself an early birthday treat.
The fever's morphed into a full-blown cold today. Still I'm sitted at my office desk. Yes. I've got my own terminal now. It means good news and bad news. The good news is I don't have to run around the office looking for a comp. The bad news is I've got no reason to slacken.
I'll probably miss
him even though I didn't read him much. What little I read of him, it was all good. Heartily enjoyable of course. We'll all miss him.
The bookreviewblog meet was cancelled thereafter. Hope to meet up soon. Also, I hope this means that more people will come to the meet when it happens?
Did you think I'll be gone? Nope.
When she rambles, she really rambles.
WWWWWoooooooooo HOOoooooooooooooo
You like to think you're never wrong
(You live what you've learned)
You have to act like you're someone
(You live what you've learned)
You want someone to hurt like you
(You live what you've learned)
You want to share what you've been through
(You live what you've learned)
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
You try to take the best of me
Go away
But they'll be back. Chester promised. WWWWWWWOOOOOOO HOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think that's probably the worst review ever... hehe
I'm in love with Dido. What a babe. Now I'm thinking, if on wednesday, Linkin Park decides to bring a surprise guest singer, and that surprise singer were to be Dido...that's going to be sooooooo super fun.
But Dido sings with Eminem hoh. I keep forgetting.
But I absolutely love Life For Rent. 23 years of my life and that's like one of the best pieces I've seen written. Literally. Whoa. I'm in love with Dido.
Right now I wish I'm shockingly rich and shockingly handsome and shockingly male.
Maybe she'll fall in love with me too.
I have lesbian tendencies.
Have They? Have They?
Change is always for the better.
Gandhi said this:
Be the change you want in the world.
I want to have world peace.
I will be world peace.
I want the world to be a happy place to live in.
I am a happy place to come to.
I want the aliens from all over the universe to envy the people on earth.
I shall be the envy of the people on earth.
I want the world to have a bright and happy future.
I shall have a bright and happy future.
I want the world to smile, smile, smile.
And so I shall smile, smile, smile.
I want the world to be filled with babes and pigs.
I shall be a certified babe. And rear pigs. You know. the cute cuddly types they have at Memory Lane. They also have a little stall up on the fourth floor of Mid Valley selling cute cuddly piggy toys.
I want the world to be rid of perverts.
Die!!! Perverts! Die Die Die!!! Thunder, thunder, thundercats!!!!!!!!!!!! HOOOOOLLLLLDDDDDDD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OOKKKKKK now CHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGEEEEEE!!!!!!!! Piak piak ... DIE DIE DIE PERVERTS... PERVERTS.
She: 'Hey Chooki, you're a pain in the arse you know that?'
Me: 'I'm sorry... but you know what its like. Hey I'm paid to be a pain in the arse.'
She: 'I know.'
Me:'Look if you can't deliver, we're suggesting we rope in a new person. Obviously we want this book to be made but you are really very slow...'
The other she: 'OMG Chooki!!!!!!!!! You look soooooooooo different!!!'
She: 'Yes, doesn't she. She's turned into a swan.' *wink wink*
Why thank you. I told you change is for the better. *smile smile* eh praise me like that doesn't mean i'll be lax on you you know or not?!! me: '... well thank you. But I meant it when I said this book is running really, really late.'
She: 'Yes I know. Why don't you continue being a pain in arse to me. I'll probably need that extra jab.'
Me: 'I'll bring a sword next time.'
And I had to do another silly quiz. SILLY..... ooooooooooi I'm a girl lah!!!!!!

What's YOUR 3 question personality?
Right. Of course I meant presenting the yummy minishorts recipe. You need to go to Kim Gary Restaurant (there's one in Sungei Wang and another in Sunway Pyramid) to get a taste of this heaven-made French Toast. So I took the pics weeks ago. Still can't help drooling at them. I suspect they make they by slapping creamy peanut butter in between two pieces of bread, and then dipping it in a milky egg batter, then frying it. After which they drench it in oooey yummy tasting hunny and slap a glob of salted butter on top. Doesn't that sound sinful?
Looks even more sinful.
I wasn't intent on being risque with that pic in
that post, btw. It was one of the more 'intensifying' shots of myself that I took. But it was sure fun reading the comments to the pic. OK..... Hmmmmm.... OK....... Hmmmmmmm..... Who doesn't like to be told she's hot? And I was definitely not soaking wet. I'd just washed my hair, thats all.
You really should take a look at me now. I look like i'm in a S.H.I.T. (read: Super Horrifying Intoxicated Trance) after days of looking at my books and staring at a computer screen. If you keep getting spammed by the immaculate minishorts, its because I need to relieve myself of stress and that's what I do after scrambling up my theories and applying those obscure nonsensical bullshit into what seems to sound academic and scholarly.
Note This
a depressing sounding post, you get 11 hits on your comments counter. Plus brickbats ' get a life and move on!' and people who say nice things 'she can moan all she want!'.
something fun and happy, you get zilch.
So predictable. So so so predictable.
Followers of this blog would know things happened a long time ago, closer friends and blog-mates would know that I'm okay now and I live a very happy and fulfilling life. Plus the fact that Eric won two international awards, from from Cannes!!!!!! Eric's my bestest pal from High School, he, Rooban and me made up what was notorious as the CHS Three Musketeers gang.... what did they say about us again? We always hung around each other and I seem to recall Shin Liang accusing us of shutting everybody out of our gang.
Well that's because being in a school where the language of communication was predominantly Mandarin, we were the only ones who were close to Rooban who couldn't speak Chinese, and hell, we joined the Ed Board together, the debate club together, wrote a few articles together and did the ultimatum: we joined BRATs and attended many camps together.
Now what's happened?
Roob's left for Miri to do his two year posting with Petronas. I'm working with Oxford as an editor. Eric's an aspiring film director with Planet Films and he's won two awards for the company this year.
That's us. Two guys and a girl. Posted a pic of us before. Here it is again.
We met each other in form 2 and now, 11 years down the road we're still one gang. Best friends are like that. I hope we last forever. I think true friends always will. That's the cool thing about friends.
And I'm so sure that this post is not going to get the same number of comments that
What did I say. People are sadistic fools, hungry for sad stories. They fly like moths to a candlelight that screams trouble.
He won it. Two awards. And he never told us.
I'm so proud of you! Soooooooooo proud, so proud, so proud.
What was it like going to a school where artsy people like us were stuck in a scientific society because it was considered stupid if you headed into arts?
We're moving up up up.
You won the award.
Wooooooh ohooooooo..
I'm going to take you out to lunch. And this time, I mean it when I say I'll pay.
I'm so happy!!!!!!!!!
The Confessional Minishorts
She wanted to explode before they started saying she's hypocritical. Or maybe its called living up to the expectations of
him and
him and the people. Oooooh they all said they came back. They came back because, because it was her honesty. Even reviewed for being honest. Honest honest honest.
What do they know? She lied to all.
Month after month of angst and angry posts, pent up and bursting because of a betrayed Valentines Day and Chinese New Year. Promises to herself to GET HIM BACK GET HIM BACK GET HIM BACK. A public opera, unfurling before the eyes of the unknown sphere, that that has since been hailed as the biggest phenomenon since the triple double-u's. Weren't they all hungry? Like scavengers, lapping up the leaking entrails of wasted shit because it was still food for thought. Maybe it was the Stupifyingly Horrid & Intense Trance that she has cast over undiscerning eyes. Misery loves company. Oh boy, oh boy and so it does. Success in paper, success in cash. Trying to be happy, she actually attempted that.
You know, I actually hate to admit I'm happy. I think I'm strickened by my sense of wanting to be loved, wanting to be adored, wanting to have attention and wanting to be THE ONE AND ONLY.
She has been replaced.
'We didn't want to tell you because we thought it would be better for him to tell you himself.'
In the end, it doesn't really matter.
She said, 'You know I don't think you were ever in luv? I think you were just in luv with the idea of having a bf.'
And I got pissed and I tried to force my ducts to produce some dew. Wet on the lashes, she thought her eyes looked redder on the cam. More attractive. More attention seeking. The friend who was a friend. A real friend aside from the others. 'Don't bluff lah, I see your eyes red already!'
Laughed it off. 'Of course not hahahaha.'
She looked pretty on the cam.
someone who flew away. 'By golly you made the right choice, I was so, so, so, wrong...' 'Friends like that, you shouldn't bother about them already.'
Have you ever, ever seen someone who've got over their first?
He was not even her first.
'Of course I have. They really get to the point where they say, I don't give a damn.'
Of course she can say she doesn't give a damn. But do you think its true.
Another version like me, is she perverted like me, would she go down on you in a theatre?
In a car, in the kitchen, in the field, on the mountains, by the sea. First kiss. 'Would you like a chair?' First handholding moments, 'Urgh your hands are sweaty.' First holiday together, 'Mom doesn't have to know.' First ball, 'You look great.' First....
It was an idea. The first time would be the last time. Great things come from ideas that fail. Because they fail, you know what to do to make other ideas realistic and realizable.
You fall and you stand up. You smile to the world. You shout to the world.
I don't give a fucking damn. Am I glad I got over you. Am I glad you gave me the chance to be me. This me. You can't love me because I'm not made for you to love me. I'm intense. Passionate. Infamous. THE MINISHORTS. The one that got away.
Don't you just love her for her honesty?
RAIN, RAIN GO AWAY, COME AGAIN WHEN MY EXAM'S OVER I got STUCK in the office when I had a half day leave because of the silly rain and so I had to do extra work. Means phoning up people pestering them for quotations, phoning up my supervisor (who is writing a book that I'm editing, urgh the irony of it) and pestering her to hand in her manuscripts, phoning up my ex-debate club advisor and telling her 'LOOK HERE, IF YOU DON'T GIVE ME THAT MANUSCRIPT ANY SOONER I'M GOING TO CUT YOU OFF THE COMMISIONING LIST' ... in kinder terms lah of course, and trying to train my eye for detail at the same time.
Hah!! MY bloody eye for detail still hasn't trained that sharp eagle's sense for subject-verb agreement errors. Most of my sentences don't have concord.
Oh well... the life of an aspiring OUP Editorial Manager.
I took on a new student today, since I'm letting go of a few fifth formers. This girl's name is Shen Huey. Likki's probably going to laugh her a** off. I know I ter-sent a message to the other Shen that's supposed to be meant for her. But this girl's a cutie. She's got curly hair and nice hazelnut eyes. Looks a bit mixed lah. OK. THat's about all I'll reveal about my students. *Have to jaga their privacy mah*
BTW, my other student, who started off a year ago with a 57 in his English paper just scored a sweet 84 marks for his trial examination. I'm SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy!!!!!!!!
I'm going to go back to that Form 2 book now. Have a great night!
IT'S A NICE BREEZY SUNDAY AFTERNOONBreezy's the word for it alright. Almost froze to death taking my shower in the middle bathroom where there's an air-well. That's when the wind seems to pour its way down what must be twelve metres of wall... and you stand right under the hot water shower trying to get yourself spicky, shiny clean. Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh....... bliss? Bliss comes after you get out of the bath, hair smelly fresh of coconut and orange juice and thanking the heavens for the sweet, cool weather, albeit it was horrid standing in that bathroom.
Its a nice breezy Sunday afternoon and I'm feeling nice and breezy.
I just found out the reason why I gained two extra kilos. The weighing scale's not adjusted accordingly. Instead of pointing to zero, the stationery needle was pointed to the number two. Ah. I'm feeling happy today. At least I know that chocolate truffle, mushroom soup and eastin oriental shrimp salad does not pile two kilogrammes on you. At the same time I've decided to maintain this little low-cal diet, since I'm at it already. Today I bought a one ringgit basketful of sweet lime, you know, the kind that they use to make the limau-ais at the mamak stalls. One ringgit makes up about 20-25 limes... so you do know that RM 1 for a glass of limau-ais is actually a rip-off. But anyway, you just have to mix one tablet of pal-sweet artificial sweetener, two limes and a bag of Boh Cameronian tea to one mug of hot boiling water and bingo! You've got yourself a home-made concoction of hot lime tea. Very soothing for the throat, very filling and stops me from eating so much. Did you know about the Ballerina cookies they sell at the new Ikea mountain-warehouse? Going for RM 3 per roll and they're sinfully delicious and awfully heavy on the calories. Now that's what I'm going to avoid for the rest of the week. I'm writing it down in here so that I remember that. That, as well as my non-stop craving for fries, the ayam goreng McD *crispy* and stuff that's fatty and oily, plus less carbohydrates... and all. Aim? To absolutely lose two kilos... even when the scale is working fine. Might as well concentrate and make it work, eh?
Are you certain that dumb bells won't increase the size of my upper arms? Mindy's a dancer and she used to lift dumb bells but apparently she's stopped them because they made her arms bigger.
I am certain, that by now, you must think that Minishorts is a shallow, weight conscious and therefore, look conscious freak who has fallen into that Cleo-magazine duped believers category. Think: fair is beautiful, slim is beautiful and....... I NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!
Oh well. So be it.
I've redesigned the arrangement of my room, btw. My bedroom is now a full fledge bedroom with a three seater sofa for guests to camp in in case there's not enough room for the bulk of us, and a private telephone just next to the sofa. There's also the wardrobe (its a built-in) in there... but otherwise, that's just it. No books in there. All the books and bookcases as well the study tables have been moved into this room where the comp is. So right now, there's three study tables (including the one where this comp is placed), and a mini library. I was checking out my books yesterday and was both amused and appalled to find the following two titles sitting in the dust
Sexorama and
The Sex Maniac's Joke Book. Good gracious, where on earth did they come from? Minishorts has many, many books, collected from cousins, purchased from warehouse sales and sometimes, splashed from classy bookstores like Kinokuniya and MPH.
And the jokes in the books are hilarious.
OK... I might just bring them to the book blogger's meet. Who wants to steal them?
. . . . . .
For want of a better title... sorry.
But ARRRRRRR good food, bad service. Still, good food:
There's more of course, but I don't want to turn this into a food blog. Anyways.... the best thing about the dinner was... it was FREE!!! muahahahha... this is why, it pays to be buddy-buddy with your lecturers. You get to go to the classy dos and eat classy meals for free. Plus you get to oogle at the *cute* Raja Muda Perak *not married, rather old but matured... and girls like mature men*. Apparently Malaysian students don't get the invites, but Minishorts did!! *YAY!!!* and yeah, well so the guys weren't really cute, but well, the girls were quite pretty and the food was good although the service was bad. Neeways... I just wanted to show you the photos *show off a bit lah* and chao...
But I still want to say this: friendster is scary. Minishorts gets people msging her like 'do you want to be my fren?' 'can be fren?' one guy even more terror-menerror, 'hai... u look chun lah wanna b fren?'
Eh, brush up lah on the pick up lines. Don't do that on friendster. Minishorts is uninterested. Especially when minishorts goes ahead and says 'yeah, sure, why not' and then gets a whole lotta interrogatives that point to that, that, that direction. Darn... don't people wanna just be friends after all?
Can somebody please confirm for me that is a government recognized multimedia company?
I'm just randomly blogging stuff.
OOOOOooooooohhhhhh yeah I'm going to take up pragmatics next semester, and my dissertation will most probably be in that field, where I will go and study the phenomenon of language empowerment via the web-log.
Doesn't that sound so cool? Finally all this harrypotter-ology thingy is making sense. I'm actually going to put 18 hours worth of graduation credits at stake to do some silly study on something that I'm addicted to and that I'm certain is actually just an emotional outlet. Isn't it fantastic?
Moi blog, darling, je t'aime, I embrace thee...
FINA REPLIESSyarfina posted her answers to the questions that minishorts posed. And oh wow, this is one babe who got hitched to the guy she met on ICQ. You just have to go read
her love story (which was my question #2, if I'm not mistaken). You read all those horror stories about people getting conned by other people on the net, and now with
Friendster! and
My Space! Well, how brave should one be when you throw your caution into the wind? Can you believe it? She fell in love with the guy she met online and they got married after five meetups.
It really does happen.
Double wow.
And she won a prize for her story, from Maxis Mobile. Movie tickets you say? Winning a prize for a love story that's for real is fantastic. And it deserves the prize, no doubt.
Triple wow!!
That aside, I'm feeling better despite the horrid pain I have in my throat, and then
someone!! pushed this happy tree friends thingy on the friendster bulletin. And I got hooked. And its actually hilarious. There's an entire gallery of short films for your morbid enjoyment and if you're anything like minishorts, plus you have the luxury of having a *not so slow* internet connection, I would highly recommend it to you. Because it is enjoyable.
Go watch! Go watch!
Minishorts decided to message the dude on his birthday but tarak response. Tu-lah... a lot of things actually no point doing one, but apparently, minishorts worry too much about what other people think. Aiseh, what to do, minishorts is lonely and that alone draws moths to this candlelight. Bleh. Minishorts has never been called immaculate in her life before.. but doesn't that mean minishorts is a perfectionist?
Apparently, minishorts is very honest in this blog.
You, and you, and you... you you you ... you you you you you are so so so so so so so so wrong.
But they responded!!! Picolo!! Hello! I liked your answers. I actually glowed at them. Reads like a fan-mail published in public man!!! Don't hafta sleep anymore. *Blushing blushing* Wait... I have just the smiley for that: here goes nothing:

But hey, Picolo, like I said, is new to blogging and he wants to be welcomed to the big big family of mad-cap bloggers like yours truly. Minishorts is baffled - betul-ke you?
Blogging is horribly self-exposing and sometimes you type things you don't realise you're typing and once you're published... you're published.
Visit Picolo and *muah* read the response to moi last question.
Then the notorious Veritas blogged. You know what? I forgot to ask one question!!! Argh... I read his answers and I'm thinking... hey... there's the one question I forgot : Like how the hell did he managed to convince good ol' Huai Bin to host that blog for him. I want to be Somebody buy me a domain name? And then host me ... maybe around 100 MB would be good so that I can set up a photo album. Oh yeah, throw in installation of the menalto gallery oso?

. Wil probably throw in sexy shorts of the 'immaculate' minishorts so that you'll be convinced she's not that immaculate after all ... *OK OK sorry picolo... I'm still gushing over your answer to Q5*.... but Veritas, being Veritas... sigh... dunno lah.... I just want to see how his partner responses.
Click! and go see Veritas being interviewed. And then comment to him. Maybe tell him to quit drugging? Or at least show us a pic of himself feng-tau-ing? Darn.. .should have been more provocative *if i weren't being so already*
And I miss viv already? In her letter she said that 'you're a very strong person and have always been a source of inspiration...' and I just wanted to really, break down and cry. I guess one year isn't that long after all... but it is 365 days, or more. And will miss her greatly. Yes Viv, I too am glad I got to know you better after my break. Am glad that I broke free from the shambles of being in a very, very serious relationship and that finally I admit that being single is actually enjoyable. But I'm not that strong, although I may seem to be. I care too much about what other people say and I work my heart to death because of that. But most of all I will miss you because you were there to make me strong, and if I'm strong, its only because you made me feel I have to be strong. Thank you for everything and will await your return.
And if you do not return, please do *I think this must be the 10th time I've said this* get a very, very rich gwailo who will be able to afford a very grand wedding on the Grand Canyons (near where you will be mah) and charter a plane, with comfy cushy first class type seats and fantastic airplane meals (cos the food is usually yucky) for all of us to go and stay... and throw in a tour of Colorado for as also ... bla bla... That will probably justify your reason to stay in the States and not come back. I'll probably help you with the works *more experienced mah*
Anyway.... good night and have a safe journey.