Pek Yong was angry cos I didn't show you what he bought me. So here is Stitch!!! (Who gets lonely without Ben... )
And I think it would be highly unfair if I were to let my Eeyore be out of the picture.... after all, he is my favourite bed buddy!!!
A nice pic of my favourite bunch of unimates ....
So there... today's posting .... hope you enjoyed the view!!
Did I show you my mother's
other BIG present to me for my birthday???
I still can't believe that ma actually bought me a bear on my 22nd birthday!!! Whooppppeeeeee isn't he cute? His name is Ben ... Ma calls him Ben anyway, and yes... he's wearing my old baby-T... which looks like a dress on him !!
Just when I thought the whole world was falling down on me, I find
a great site with heartwarming lyrics and great music to ... well rejuvenish the soul or whatever you may call it... Really recommend a visit to it anytime you need to relieve yourself from the atrocities of life...
What's so horrifying about my life?
The fact that I have to face my final semester on the 11 of November? The fact that my results will be announced today? The fact that... I am getting fatter and fatter again and I have to go back to my horrifying, aerobics regime and dance sessions ( I guess from here you know that I hate to exercise)....
Leaving you for a while...
I finished my 100 things to do list and now I don't know what to do.
I fnished filling up the Chevening Scholarship Form and I think I filled it up wrongly.
Can somebody recommend me a bigger, free, image hosting website so that I get to put more pictures in this place?
I miss being a teenager. Why must time fly so quickly?
At last, long due, the final segment of the 100 things about me list... enjoy!! and Bombard!!
81. I still believe that there's no relationship if you don't quarrel at all, so I'm not too bothered about the quarreling frequencies.
82. I have a lot of typo in my blogs but I'm too lazy to correct them¡K
83. I type pretty fast: 75 words per minute.
84. I own a Nokia with the following tunes: Hawaii Five O, Around the World, Flintstones, Knightrider, Forrest Gump and ¡K Barney¡¦s Theme Song!!
85. I love watching Hong Kong serials, which is why ASTRO's Wah Lai Toi is a dream come true.
86. I sleep with an original Disney Eeyore¡K which I won from a cheap RM 1 vending machine on first try on my 21st birthday.
87. My favourite cuddly bear would be the Forever Friends series¡K but I don't own one yet. *hint hint*
88. My favourite gift from my boyfriend to me would be his ¡¥will-you-be-my-girlfriend¡¦ gift: a Seven Dwarfs 1000 piece jigsaw puzzle. It hangs right above my bed¡K and all are sleeping on little beds carved with their given names.
89. At no. 89 here I suddenly realise I haven't been honest to myself until now and I really feel that having this 100 things-about-me-list is a great way to exorcise the demons within.
90. Its beginning to become real hard to move towards 100 but I'm trying here¡K
91. Alright, I have one: I miss high school a lot, especially since its where I made the best friends in my life¡K
92. I hate it that as you age your friends slowly leave you which is the exact way I¡¦m feeling over here.
93. I hate it also that after I started dating my boyfriend my guy-pals have started to lose touch with me¡K I wish they'd still be close to me like we used to be long time ago.
94. My motto in life is: ¡§Do what you love, and love what you're doing, and you'll never work another day in your life.¡¨
95. I don't know who wrote it but it's the most motivating phrase I've ever come across and its been my philosophy for 3 whole years now ¡K never letting me down.
96. Before this I used to live on ¡¥Carpe Diem¡¦ but now I think half of it is crap. Most of the time, destiny is what you write yourself.
97. When I die, I want to look beautiful, gorgeous and smiling because my life has been well spent and well respected.
98. I hope to die of natural causes , suddenly, quickly and without complications.
99. I think there is an afterlife¡K I believe in Karma.
100. I think the life I'm living now is the result of Karma, which is why I have to cherish it and make sure I live it the way it is supposed to be.
I didn't post anything on my birthday... nor on the day after. I was really very busy on my birthday because of the BBQ, and then after that I had a severe sore throat because of the BBQ and I couldn't even speak or talk yesterday, so the whole 26th October was spent in bed, heavily sedated with strong antibiotics and other medication. I am, here today, and I have decided to upload a really cool photo for your viewing pleasure:
TADA!!! This is the valued 8 members of the NLDS OC Team - told you we were cool!!
I'm here to reflect over today's interview at the British Council.
7 people were shortlisted out of (godknowshowmany who applied) ... and I was one of them. Not only that, I was the first on the 'fortunate' list of people to be interviewed.
7 people were interviewers, including the chairman of the British Council and some distinguished individuals who all looked equally intimidating.
The interview was declared a 'round table exercise', and I shall quote the chairman: " With objectives to allow us to explore your personality and to allow for an informal discussion."
The questions were anything but easy. They were like missiles, launched one after the other, without giving me time to recover from each injury.
Last thoughts: if I do get this scholarship, I would be the happiest person alive. I will firstly thank the following individuals who have willingly become my referees: Mdm Tan Ju Eng, Dr. Wong Bee Eng, Prof. Mohd Quayum, A. Prof Rosli Talif, A. Prof. Hj. Idris Abdol and Prof. Sheik.... Secondly, I would like to thank the university for the support, my parents, my boyfriend, and my loving friends....
If I do not get the scholarship... I would still be happy, but of course not as happy as if I were to succeed... nonetheless, the experience of the interview itself was worth ever sweat and pain...
Oh well... good luck to myself...
The next installment of the 100 things about me list...
61. I’ve had more than a dozen publications in the newspaper and edited two whole magazines back in high school.
62. I write best under pressure … which I why I only do my written assignments 10 hours before the deadline.
63 I hate it when people spell ‘dateline’ instead of ‘deadline’. Its two totally different words!
64. Most Malaysians have very poor spelling and grammar which is why the government is planning to switch the education medium to English in several subjects. Which makes my degree quite valuable in some sense.
65. Most of my coursemates are quite weak in English. They major in English because its so unpopular its an easy course to get into.
66. My lecturers in uni are quite superb except for one or two bad apples.
67. My supervisor skipped her Masters and when on to become a Dr right after her Bachelors Degree. She’s my idol!!
68. I hope to become a Dr. in my own field too.
69. My boyfriend is going to become a real doctor in 5 years.
70. If I marry him, I’ll have a doctor husband but I don’t want that to overshadow my own career which is why I want to go on to PhD.
71. I don’t like to be subordinated in terms of career or rights … but I’m not a feminist. I still like to be the weaker sex in terms of strength and emotions.
72. I cry a lot. My boyfriend says I’m a faulty water tap. He says he doesn’t know how to fix me.
73. I think that many students who study medicine aren’t really suited to become doctors.
74. I think most of them are really dedicated to helping people, but a good number of them are only there for the prestige and the huge paycheck it promises in the future.
75. I never planned to date a medical student but everybody likes to ooh-and-ah everytime I tell them my boyfriend is studying to be a doctor.
76. My mom, particularly, is very pleased with this and always tells me to take care of our relationship so that it works.
77. If I do marry him it’ll be ages before the huge paycheck comes and I’ll probably be earning more dosh than him when he starts to really work.
78. If I had a choice I’d rather date a guy who loves books and writing as much as I do… but those are very hard to come by and even if I know any, he’s either taken or homosexual.
79. I think my relationship helps me a lot in my studies because being with him forces me to aim for better achievements.
80. Otherwise we quarrel all the time.
Have I told you about last night's supper dinner? This was the next celebration party in honour of the OC team's success in the planning and holding of NLDS 2002 (the first had to be the dinner at Shakey's after the post mortem). Last night's dinner was really super, firstly, the venue: Overseas Restaurant in Jalan Imbi... and the set menu costing over RM 600...we had shark's fin (yes I know we were not being ecologically-minded but nonetheless it tasted superb), then the Four Seasons Platter of which my favourite would be the Chicken Cold Dish, Deep Fried Garoupa with Thai Sauce, Crispy Chicken with Prawn Crackers, Butter Fried Prawns, Mixed Vege Platter (which had plenty of Gingko in it), Lo Mai Rice, Wo Peng and really refreshing Honey Sea Coconut + Nata de Coco with Lemon ....all together, it was really, really superb.
Unfortunately I had to give the Karaoke session a miss because mother had to call from home with her 'aren't you coming home yet?' whine... and I didn't want her to worry to much, so I got my poor boyfriend to be my chauffeur home. Although I don't think I missed anything much, because well, the gang I hung out with were all English educated and can't read Chinese... while Karaoke is cool IN CHINESE .... so...
For Friday's party I'm planning to turn up the karaoke machine at home, so tomorrow I'll be headed to the Pasar Malam to get a wider selection of English and the last Chinese songs...
Numbers 41 - 60 of the 100 things about me list....
41. My father’s side of the family has 3 sets of twins, twin aunts, twin cousins and twin nieces.
42. I hope I’ll be able to give birth to twins when I get married and get pregnant some day.
43. If I have twins I hope they’ll be identical girls… because I used to love reading Sweet Valley.
44. Right now I mostly read my required texts and I don’t usually enjoy reading them.
45. My favourite writer would be Anne Rice and my favourite book by her would be The Queen of The Damned.
46. My lecturer tells me that reading junk fiction will pollute the mind.
47. I don’t usually read classical or contemporary greats unless its necessary. If forced to choose a favourite, I’d go for Kate Chopin.
48. I hate Lord of the Rings and think that people who boast about loving Tolkien are showing off a little about their refined choices.
49. However, I loved the movie because Orlando Bloom and Liv Tyler’s in it.
50. I love Harry Potter but I hated the movie. I think Hermione looks too pretty to be Hermione and Prof Snape has a whiny voice.
51. My favourite movie of all time would be The Shawshank Redemption… but I have not read the book from which it was adapted yet.
52. I enjoy reading trashy romance novels though. The Mills & Boon kind.
53. I’ve tried writing a trashy novel once. 3 pages of that was dedicated to sex which I ‘cut and pasted’ from several Mill & Boon novels.
54. I lost that silly attempt but I’m still looking for it.
55. I dream of becoming as big as JK Rowling once but so far its been very hard for me to write in a Malaysian context. I’m still trying.
56. I used to love Tom Cruise and hate Nicole Kidman because she took him away from me, but then I fell in love with her and now I hate Tom Cruise … I hate Penelope Cruz even more because she took Mr. Cruise away from Kidman.
57. I once liked a boy for 6 years without telling him at all… when I finally told him I found out he was bisexual and I cried for 3 hours because it meant that we’ll never be together … ever.
58. The above happened just 2 weeks after I agreed to become my boyfriend’s steady.
59. When I study, my books go all over the room, on the table, on the bed, on the floor, on the chair… but I end up reading stories instead.
60. I minor in Literature because I think it’s a good excuse to study stories instead of mugging for abstract nonsense like Philosophy or Psychology.
Wanted to list down some OC team achievements:
1. Had cool sponsors and cheap deals, so everyday we had different gifts for the delegates: Darlie toothpaste / toothbrush, Solero ice cream, Mix FM Road Runners visit, Loreal visit with freebies, Lipton Ice Tea, folders and keychains....
2. Had international delegates ...
3. Hippiest team of OC who couldn't stop laughing and being crazy.
4. Great ideas like the decorated plastic cups for delegates
5. First time we had OCs in charge for each LC.
Finally I'm back.
Life away from civilized society has been hectic and totally tiring. Handling 400 delegates with only 13 people has been a very, very exhausting experience... nonetheless it was really, really fun. This year's NLDS (National Leadership Development Seminar) has been really huge, especially since we had almost 30 delegates from neighbouring AIESEC in Thailand ... and history-breaking numbers from each university in turn. Worse still is the last minute problems we had, eg the lecture hall-bookings being disregarded at the last minute and the single key per room problem... Otherwise, well, being part of the OC (Organizing Committee) has been really fun... mosly because we had our own 'syok sendiri' programmes and meetings went on till over 3 am every single day for needs of next day plannings and jingles designing ( especially the 'tick-tock cuckoo clock' discussion) ... as usual lah, Loc Fong and Cody had to be SOOOOOOOOOO nice to the girls and break the hearts of so many delegates.... aih... and they had corrupt little boy See Wei at the same time....We took some pretty crazy pics and I'll post them up once my friends develop them / send them to me...
At the same time I'm really sorry for poor Jackson cos I promised he could come... unfortunately the OC team had so many problems mainly because we were suffering from a lack of manpower... and I had to leave him out... so Jackson: if you're reading this... please know I'm really sorry.
Anyway I just came back from the postmortem meeting at Mid Valley just now with the majority of the OC team and we had another rocking time there, this time gossiping and laughing more than talking about serious stuff. We started off in Coffee Bean, where at first only Loc Fong, Jerry and Siak Teng were there... but the party soon expanded as one by one the rest of the OC team appeared... Even Siak Teng (which by the way, I met in BRATs when we organized the 1997 BRATs reunion at Sunway Club). So we just started yak-yaking... talking about the problems of course, then poking fun at the weird, weird criticisms from the delegates... and finally... a cool note: this year's OC team has been the most happening and most friendly one in recent years... *clap clap clap*...
Its good, its good, its good to be in OC team.... (AIESEC common cheer)
Back for a break and tomorrow I'll be at UPM again... toiling the next whole week for the sake of AIESEC! Ah... what a life I lead. In the meantime, here the continuation of the 100 things about me, with numbers 21 - 40... Enjoy:
21. I think when people start to say things like they do in no.20 it simply means that I’m a bitch.
22. I think its funny how women who rant in blogs like to boast about themselves being ‘bitches’ like it’s the best thing in the world to be. Because it means they have attitude?
23. I think being called a bitch is sad. I think that never being pursued by cute guys or never having received flowers from secret admirers made my life really sad…
24. I wasn’t very popular among the girls either, so I hung out with a couple of weirdos who either are: too smart / too mad / too ‘I’m the one in power here’ / too x-files crazed / too obsessed about musicals… and all of them were guys who looked as good looking as a durian (sorry for the insult)
25. Otherwise my school life was pretty exciting.
26. In school I was a debater, librarian, chief editor, peer counsellor, sports secretary and wrote a few scripts for mini concert pantomimes.
27. Because I was so busy I did miserably in the government exams and struggled my way all through pre-uni.
28. When I entered university I decided to quit struggling and switched to study arts and humanities
29. I’m an English major minoring in literature and I chose to do this because I’m too lazy to struggle with my studies.
30. I currently have a CGPA of 3.83. I’ve yet to acquire a 4.0 yet but I’m hoping this will be the semester I get it.
31. In uni I’m an AIESECer and that takes up the rest of my time.
32. I’m not a very dedicated AIESECer if you’ll compare me to the rest of the gang… those people eat, drink, live and die AIESEC and I do not envy them
33. I think being over-dedicated back in high school has taught me to prioritise for my own life.
34. I think AIESEC kills its members yet at the same time its so fun its addictive that’s why I’m still in it. I’d still recommend it to anyone.
35. Outside of school / uni I’m a Bright Roving Annoying Teen.
36. It means I’m a BRAT with The Star, and I’ve been one since 1997.
37. I was very involved in BRATs from 97 – 99 but after uni I had to prioritise.
38. I’m planning to continue with my masters and PhD after I graduate and work in the academia.
39. I’ve only been to Thailand, Singapore, China and Hong Kong in my life. I was born in Singapore, I went to Thailand on a transit, and I’ve been to Hong Kong 3 times already.
40. Anyway my father is in Hong Kong … but I told you that already

Muahahahahahh I'm the personification of EVIL ... this is sooooooo cool
Just for kicks... which pic is me?

I’ve been to a site which lists the 100 things about the writer and it has inspired me to create my own list. I dunno whether it’ll reach 100 or whether it will go beyond that but I think I’m going to start with 20 for now.
1. I’ve kept a diary since 1993 but I’ve only started blogging a month ago.
2. According to my biodata you see here I’m 5”5 which is quite tall for Asian standards.
3. I’ve never worried much about my weight and looks until recently… I think I read too many women’s magazines and those weight loss and beauty parlour ads are really working on me.
4. I’m currently 54 kg but it fluctuates to 56 every now and then, I wish it’ll stoop below the 50 mark but I guess that’s a little too much of wishful thinking?
5. I’m actually planning to go to a professional dietician / slimming expert sometime after I graduate when I get the money which is about RM 10k max (~ USD 3k)
6. I have a mother , a father who works in Hong Kong and no brothers or sisters.
7. I have a boyfriend.
8. My boyfriend and me knew each other since 1993.
9. We went to the same class for 4 years from 1995 to 1999.
10. We only became boyfriend and girlfriend in 2000.
11. Before that we hated each other, me because of his guts and how ugly he looked … he … because I talk too much and act too much like a boy.
12. I don’t think he’s ugly now even though he has a face that’s speckled all over with volcanic pimples, small eyes under glasses and a huge belly. To me he’s like a huge, huggable teddy bear!!
13. I looked like a boy for a good half of my life. I had very short hair from 1987 to 1997. So short if I wore jeans and t-shirt some people even called me “Hey you, Boy!”
14. Now my hair is almost bra length. I cut it every 3 months but I really plan to let it go as long as the waist. My boyfriend hates the idea.
15. I think I am quite pretty. I have big eyes and dimples, with an extra deep one that appears when I talk , laugh and even when I sulk.
16. One of my friends told me that the sexiest part of me would be my lips. ‘Like a rose’ she said.
17. Ever since my hair grew, 12 people have told me that I look like Sarimah Ibrahim (she’s an actress in Malaysia) …
18. I met Sarimah Ibrahim personally in 1998 for a filming session during the Malaysian hosted Commonwealth Games and I thought she looked breathtakingly beautiful.
19. Beginning this year when they featured an article on Sarimah Ibrahim in one of the dailies I thought she looked fat and pregnant… aih…
20. Boys never think I’m pretty back in school. I had friends who received bouquets and love letters but I wasn’t one of them. In school I was ‘the girl who talked to much and thinks she’s too smart for everyone of us’.
That'll be all for now...
Well... tomorrow's the day that I have to leave you for a little while. Actually TODAY was supposed to be the day, but because I told my mom otherwise I have to sit at home and take care of her. Besides, I have some classes to teach (because remember? Next week I'll be at camp and I'll be too junked to teach)... so I can't begone yet. I miss my dad and wish he were around. At least he can take over the caring for my mother business. I'm really glad she's going back to her hometown from next Monday. Of course I've promised her to come home often to check on the plants and everything... but I don't know if I'll actually find time to do that, or if Mei Yee will let me do that. Maybe when things aren't so busy I'll come home and check email a bit... then I'll be able to update you on what happened over at campus.
I'm not really fat... I just have cravings during that time of the month. These cravings vary always, and it so happens that this month, I just HAVE TO get chocolate, cakes and creams... I think my period triggers weird ideas, and I actually think that my uterus probably has a brain to be able to choose such good stuff... Last month I remember I had to have HOT, HOT spicy food and ... well, needless to say, it caused more pain than pleasure and this month... the cravings have switched to what I had!! I did check my weight though and fortunately it hasn't increased. I've been as heavy as 63 kg before but then again, I've lost 8 kg since my illness last three months ago. Ever since I was 12 I've never been lower than 53 kg, and I have no idea how to make the excess weight go away. I've been to aerobics, jogging and dieting ... (although not on those meal-package diets or crash diets, my kind of diet is just to cut off half of everything I eat except double the vege and fruits to appease my appetite) and that has helped me to some extent BUT not entirely... I guess that's why Marie France Bodyline , the Cambridge Diet and all those gimmicks are around...
Now I wonder if they really work?
Insignificant day... insignificant happenings... just had ... heavy lunch: rice, fries, ice cream, chocolate... Not I don't give a damn about calories and fat... I know I'm not thin... but I'm not obese yet... Of course I wouldn't mind having a body like Christina Aguilera
(what happened to her anyway?) but the troubles you have to go through... I'm not about to give up on chocolate yet!!
So well.. gotta run ...
I'm quite okay looking really. Don't be fooled by the photo that I posted up... Anyway I'm the girl in orange T with a rope dangling down her neck and her tongue sticking out. In case you're wondering, I'm the only Malaysian in the photo, but yeah we're all Chinese, the other 5 are all from Taiwan and we took this photo after one of the cultural nights of the recent Asia Pacific Youth Conference by Moral Re-Armament - Initiatives of Change.
I love attending conferences and I'll be going to one of the better ones next week. Correction, I've been working with the Organising Committee of one of the better conferences next week!... Its the annual National Leadership Development Seminar that's one of the highlights in the
AIESEC calendar... this is our
Malaysian version. This time around, besides the usual universities: UM, UPM, UKM, USM, UUM and UUM, we have foreign delegates from Thailand joining us!!!!
Well... I'm not promoting, just... after weeks of contacting stingy companies, I guess with the high rates of marketing failures, I'm trying to optimistically start my posting before I conduct my personal self mortem.... And the results are as follows:
- Never, ever become marketing manager for three events in a row. Companies recognise voices, if you succeed in the first event, you'll succeed in the second but the third is always destined to fail.
- Be professional BUT never, ever overdo the 'I'm a student but I'm also a professional' attitude. It sucks and it makes you lose credibility.
- Never ever try to attempt for high CGPAs and aim for big incomes into your organising committee efforts at the same time. You'll fail miserably in both.
All the same, we didn't do too bad, although I was dying to get some company to sponsor the printing of some T-shirts for us... well, maybe I wished too much. Anyway we've got free drinks and ice cream, Mix FM is coming for a visit, we've got toothpaste and biscuits and MOVIE PASSES!!!! ... So I guess I shouldn't be complaining too much ...
Back to the photo: Don't be fooled ... please... I'm really quite okay looking. Somebody please affirm that statement.
I just got this photo and I like it. Guess which one's me!!!

Maybe I do analyze my dreams too much nowadays. Well, that's because nowadays my dreams are getting from weird to worse!!! I don't know what has gotten into me... this time its stupidly Hong Kong TVB series type ... the likes, and the best things is ... the whole dream graduated from me watching the show to me going into the show and becoming one of the main actresses... kinda WEIRD ... I know some of you don't like to read about my dreams but I'm going to talk about it... this is my blog anyway, and maybe my dreams are a good source of sparks which may help me in my stories someday (if I do begin to write stories) ... Well, this is how I remember the details:
I dreamt of myself watching one of the series. The actor's an old guy, very rich, retired ... used to do some gang-type business of some kind. So one day, a group of his daughter's guy friends come up for a visit with some hard liquer and ask him to join them for a drinking session. He obliges... but he doesn't know the drinks are spiked... so in a minute he's on the floor, totally drunk and oblivious while the kids try to loot everything in the house. So happens the daughter's upstairs in the huge mansion and wakes up to the noise... she realises her friends are out to harm her family and then ... *poof* I become the girl... After this I don't really recall the details except for the kids trying to pry open my door room while I push the beds and the chairs to the door to keep it shut for as long as possible while frantically trying to call my boyfriend who happens to be a policeman... and that's it... the rest of the dream is just about me piling the furniture against the shaking door and the guys on the other side banging their way into the room ... I think I heard sirens too so this really isn't a nightmare cause in the end I think I got saved or something... but the point is, this was a very, very exciting and exhilirating dream ... Its so totally OUT OF THE TV BOX...
Maybe somebody out there can tell me why I seem to remember my dreams so clearly nowadays? What's wrong with me???
I recently keep having weird dreams of being chased by a sumo wrestler in ugly briefs (I don't know what you call those clothes the sumo wrestlers wear) who always holds a white wedding dress in one of his hands. I don't ever see his face really, but what I really can remember is the flabs and flabs of fat on his legs and the way his huge belly sways when he's running... and every step seems to make a huge tremor on the ground - boom boom boom!!! Like that. I know I keep running and searching my bag for my handphone, and everytime I find it I quickdial PY to tell him that
'he's chasing me, chasing me!! Save me!' Yeah... actually today the dream is most vivid, and most real ... I woke up from it this morning - thanks to the alarm clock , but ... I swear I actually saw the sumo fella running up the stairs and I snatched up the phone to call for help... what I didn't know is I actually called PY for real this morning... and boy, was he pissed, the poor guy... Of course I don't remember calling him, cause I fell back into sleep soon after - but PY called to tell me I woke him up thrice by shouting the 'protect me' in the phone to him ... jeesh - i better stop watching those Japanese travel specials on Discovery Travel and Adventure... they are giving me, horrible horrible nightmares really!
Back to work then. My deadline's on Monday.
Working is shit. I don't like to be undercharged. I don't see how people have to pollute language like they do, pay a little , very little for private tuition classes and all they want is to score. I don't know how students can ace in grammar papers and write essay with horrendous subject-verb agreement which never always agree. I don't know how teachers can stand scoring through at least 30 papers of essays a day if just one essay every fornight makes me cringe with horror.... yucks... I guess money comes in handy, extra money that is. I'm trying to increase my pocket weights though, so if anyone out there needs any language coaching - English, BM, Chinese - leave a comment with your email and I'll be in touch. If you wondering what makes me think I am qualified to teach - well, I'M AN ENGLISH MAJOR and LANGUAGE is my speciality, plus I've taught in schools before and have been employed to coach top classes for language papers... I'm in a dire need for cash these days, so if your time fits my time and what you're willing to pay pleases me, I'll try my best to juice out the best in your kid / brother / sister / cousin / friend ... whatever... As long as you are in Malaysia. If you are particularly drowning in the new literature syllabus, whether for Malay or English, then you can find help in me because l study lit too, not many people are qualified in that sense.
If you are looking for dedicated coaches in other subjects lessay Maths/ Add Maths/ Physics / Chem , I have friends who are equally qualified - studying to be engineers and statisticians and all that who are interested to help... Ok so this entry is beginning to turn into an advert. Stopping for the moment...
I've got a huge teddy bear looking down at me from the top of my computer screen. He's an Old Fashioned Russ Bear, handmade in China with a velvety soft and shiny coat and beans in his butt, and he doesn't smile at all. His ears are a little lose, really, and his eyes, they virtually don't exist. Looking at him scares me because he keeps reminding me of how I lost Boney (the TY Doggy) a few months ago. I know PY is really pissed cos I don't seem to be able to keep his gifts in a good proper place. I'm really, at heart, a very messy person - the kind who starts out spick and span and end up losing my stuff because I throw them everywhere. At the moment I'm trying very hard to remember where I put Boney because I really miss the doggie, a lot ... and I can't figure out where he has gone to...
I have to get back to Serdang one of these days to find out what my room looks like now. I have the faintest feeling that its becoming a little wreck with dust and twigs lying all over. No, I don't live in a tree how in Serdang, just my room over there has a tree outside the window and twigs sometimes fall through the ventilation holes, courtesy of the little sparrows who like to perch on the sills there. I dread the idea of going through the cleaning process again... but then, I only have till next March to live there.
At the moment, this is all I have to say...
Look what I found out about myself this time!!! Hmmm... I might consider that ...
What Do You Wear to Bed?
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Moving ahead
I'm trying very very hard to move forward instead of remaining stagnant in my little pool of fantasies. The problem with me is I dream too much. Just yesterday morning I had the weirdest dream (well, everytime a dream happens it becomes weirder than the previous weirdest dream), of death again. The problem is it felt so darn real and when I woke up I thought I was already dead!!! This time, its about the earth nearing the end and me and Pek Yong are alone in the house. Because we didn't want to die when the asteroid hit earth, we decided to turn on the cooking gas, close all the windows and wait for death. The rest of the dream is just the pounding of my heart and a weird conversation that I had with PY, and then my mom turned up and some other people turned up and we all started waiting, and then my heart went on beating and the conversation just went on with everybody - don't ask me what was the conversation about because I can't remember... all I remember is the thumping of my heart went on and on and one and then suddenly I was awake and now i don't even know whether I'm still alive in this world or that dream world...
I like to think that the dream is a sign that I ought to move ahead...